Batch/Period Posting Feature

Use INSight's Batch/Period Posting Feature to maintain the integrity of month end processing, reporting, and balancing and as a way to enter services for a new month before the current month is completely closed.  The Batch/Period Posting feature affects several areas within INSight including Charge Entry, Payment Entry, Charge Journal, Payment Journal, the Charge/Payment Combination Journal and the Charge/Payment Post Initialize.  When the Batch/Period Posting feature is active, your Charge Batch and Payment Batch identifications must include a period code in the first four of seven available characters.  The period code must be in YYMM format.  The remaining 1-3 characters of the Charge Batch and Payment Batch are user-defined but you must include at least one character for identification purposes.  

With the Batch/Period Posting Feature active, you can:
