Scheduling - Amend Layout Appointment Type and Location

Use the Amend Layout Appointment Type and Location window (entitled Amend Layout/Type) to change the Scheduling Appointment Type and Location for specified time slots in the Appointment Book Area.  The table following the window examples describes the Amend Type/Layout window for the Amend Layout process.



To display the Amend Type/Layout window:

  1. Open Scheduling to display the Appointment Book Area.

  2. Launch Amend Schedule from the Scheduling Shortcut Menu.
    :  For additional information, click More.

  3. At the Change Schedule Layout window:

  1. Click Change Type/Location .

  2. Fill in the window.

  3. Click OK to display the Appointment Book column.

  4. Select the time slots to change.

  1. To select a single time slot, click to highlight the line.

  2. To select several contiguous time slots, click to highlight the first line.  Press and hold [SHIFT] and then click the last time slot.  The entire block is highlighted.

  3. To select several noncontiguous time slots, press and hold [CTRL].  Click to highlight each time slot.  Release [CTRL] after all desired time slots are highlighted.

  1. Right-click to display the Scheduling Shortcut Menu.

  2. Click Perform Amend.

  3. Fill in the Amend Type/Layout window.

    :  After completing the Amend Type/Layout window, you will see a window displaying the Amend Schedule Action Summary Report.  To see an example, click More.

Amend Type/Location Window (no appointment changes) Example:

Tip:  If there are no reserved time slots being changed, you only have to fill in the fields displayed in this example.


Amend Type/Location Window (with appointment changes) Example

Tip:  If there are any reserved time slots being changed, you may have to fill in additional fields to cancel and reschedule the appointments.


Scheduling - Amend Layout Appointment Type and Location

Amend Type/Location Window Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Note:  You will see this window only if you clicked Change Type/Location at the Change Schedule Layout window.

Print Amend Report

Click one of the following options in the drop-down list, if you want to display and print the amendment report after completing the amendment changes.  (Y/N)

  • Y(es) - Prompt with a display of the amendment report, where you can choose to print if desired.

  • N(o) - Do not display or print the amendment report.

Tip:  A User Scheduling Preferences setting controls the default value.


You can specify that the changes take place for one or more providers.  For example, you can add providers if you are blocking out meeting time for all of the providers in the practice.

To add providers:

  1. For each additional provider enter the Scheduling Provider Code whose layout you want to change.  (up to 4 characters)

  2. Click Plus/Minus to add the provider to the list.

Note:  Frequently you can skip this field.  When you select the day to change at the Appointment Book Area, INSight automatically adds that provider to the list in this window.

To add a Scheduling Provider Code to the Provider List, click Plus/Minus.

Provider List

Displays the list of Scheduling Provider Codes that will be amended.


Click one of the Appointment Amendment Actions in the drop-down list:


  • Skip Scheduled Days - Do not change the Appointment Type and Location if there are reserved time slots for scheduled appointments.

  • Amend Appointment Locations on Scheduled Days - Make the changes to the Appointment Type and Location, even if there are reserved time slots for scheduled appointments.  Do not automatically reschedule the appointments.

  • Cancel all Appointments w/ no Reschedule - If there are reserved appointments in the time slots you are changing, INSight cancels the appointments and does not add them to the Scheduling Window - Reschedule Appointments List Area.  You must fill in the cancel appointment fields when prompted.

  • Cancel all Appointments and Reschedule - If there are reserved appointments in the time slots you are changing, INSight cancels the appointments and adds them to the Scheduling Window - Reschedule Appointments List Area, so you can reschedule them later.  You must fill in the cancel appointment and reschedule appointment fields when prompted.

    :  NDS recommends Cancel all Appointments and Reschedule.

Appointment Type

If applicable, enter the new Scheduling Appointment Type ID for the time slots that you are changing.  (up to 6 characters)

Note:  You can also enter an Appointment Category ID or an Appointment Set ID.

Tip:  To search for an Appointment Type ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].


If applicable, enter the new Scheduling Location Code for the time slots that you are changing.  (up to 2 characters)

Tip:  To search for a Location Code, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

Operator ID

If you selected an action that requires you to cancel or reschedule appointments, you must enter your Scheduling Operator ID.  (up to 4 characters)

Required (if prompted)

Cancel Appointment Fields

Tip:  If you selected an action that requires you to cancel appointments, INSight prompts you to enter the following fields.

Cancel Password

Enter the case-sensitive password for cancelling appointments.  (up to 8 characters)

Required (if prompted)

Cancel Code

Enter the Scheduling Cancel Code ID.  (up to 8 characters)

Required (if prompted)

Tip:  To search for a Cancel Code, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

Cancel Comment

Enter the Appointment Cancelled Comment Line 1.  (up to 55 characters)

Reschedule Appointment Fields

Tip:  If you selected an action that requires you to reschedule appointments, INSight prompts you to enter the following fields.  This adds the appointments to the reschedule list, where you can later process them.

Reschedule Password

Enter the case-sensitive password for scheduling appointments.  (up to 8 characters)

Required (if prompted)

Reschedule Code

Enter the Reschedule Code ID.  (up to 8 characters)

Required (if prompted)

Tip:  To search for a Reschedule Code, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

Reschedule Comment

Enter the Appointment Reschedule Comment Line 1.  (up to 55 characters)


To make the changes to the Appointment Book Area layout, click Amend.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + a]

To cancel the amendment, click Cancel.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]


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