Other Payroll Work Menu

The Other Payroll Work menu contains commands used to process permanent pay, revolving deductions, and fringe benefits.



Other Payroll Work Menu Items

Permanent Payroll Check Entry

A labor-saving tool for entering information for employees whose paychecks are usually the same for each pay period.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [o] [k]

Permanent Payroll Check Edit Register

Prints the Register Reports and several Expense and Deduction Reports after completing Permanent Payroll Check Entry.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [o] [r]

Revolving Deduction Report

Prints a list of all employees with revolving deductions that have met or exceeded the rollover amount.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [o] [v]

Revolving Deduction Rollover

Rolls the revolving deduction balances for employees when the roll amount is met or exceeded.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [o] [d]

Retirement Fringe Journal

Prints the fringe transactions that were posted to the Fringe Work File by the Monthly Retirement Report for processing by the Vender Invoices and Checks feature.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [o] [j]

Retirement Fringe Post

Distributes Retirement Fringe data among the proper departments in preparation for the Vendor Invoices and Checks system.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [o] [p]

Auto Fringe Distribution Maintenance

Creates a cross-reference that links Appropriation Account Numbers to Department Numbers for distributing the Fringe Amounts.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [o] [a]

Note:  For this program to appear on the menu, you must set the Company Control Option for Automatic Fringe Distribution to (Y)es.

Fringe Distribution Menu

Contains commands used to post fringe benefits to the Vendor Invoices and Checks system.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [o] [f]

Email Paychecks

Sends emails containing paycheck stub information to employees.