Understanding Vendor Invoices and Checks

Topic Contents:

1.  Introduction

2.  Setup Directions

2A.  Company Control Options

2B.  Vendor Payment Method

2C.  Basic Setup

2D.  Tables  

3.  Payroll Run Directions

3A.  Post Programs for Invoice Transactions

3B.  Fringe Benefits Programs

3C.  Fund Accounting A/P Programs

3D.  Payroll A/P Programs


1.  Introduction:

The Vendor Invoices and Checks feature in the Payroll module provides a way to automatically generate invoice transactions for payment of specially coded employee withholding amounts, scheduled deductions, and employer paid benefits.  This feature is primarily used by installations who have interfaced the Payroll module with the Fund Accounting module.

There are two major pathways for the generated invoices, the Fund Accounting A/P method and the Payroll A/P method.  Most installations choose one method.  However, it is possible to use both of the methods at once.

Why are there two methods?  The flexibility lets you control timing.  For example, by using the Payroll A/P method, you can print checks for vendors at any time, without having to coordinate with the Accounts Payable cycle within Fund Accounting.  Also, you can redirect the payment responsibility, so that your Payroll personnel can take charge of certain types of payments.


2.  Setup Directions:

2A.  Company Control Options

The Company Control Options are usually set during installation of the IVISION application.

Note:  You may need certain filesets created for your configuration.  Contact NDS Technical Support for more information.


Single or Dual Post:

To activate the Vendor Invoices and Checks feature, set the Company Control Option for Create Automatic Vendor Invoices/Checks to 1 - Single Post or 2 - Dual Post.  The Single Post option means that the Payroll Post program handles the generation of the invoice transactions.  The dual post options means that a separate program, Post to Vendor Transaction Files, handles the generation of the invoice transactions.

The advantage of dual post is that it simplifies control and troubleshooting by separating the invoice processing from the rest of the Payroll Post.  The disadvantage of dual posting is that it is adds another program to the list of programs that must be run for each payroll period.

Fringe Benefits Options:

If you use the fringe benefits features, you should also set the options for Update Employee Fringes During Post and Automatic Fringe Distribution.


2B.  Vendor Payment Method Overview

The key to controlling the Vendor Invoices and Checks feature is the Vendor Payment Method.  This code directs the post programs to generate the invoice transactions for the appropriate payment method.




Tip:  Remember to enter the Vendor Number.

Vendor Payment Method Codes:

2C.  Basic Setup:

1.  Fringe Master Maintenance:  This covers the employer's contribution, if you use the fringe benefits feature.  Specify the Vendor Payment Method Code for the Fringe Number and assign the Vendor Number.
:  For more information refer to the topic, Understanding Fringe Benefits.

2.  Edit Employee Fringe:  Create an employee fringe record for each fringe that pertains to the employee.  For example:  create a record for FICA, Med FICA, health insurance for each applicable employee.

3.  Auto Fringe Distribution Maintenance:  Use this maintenance to specify the department from which the employee's gross pay comes out of and if there are multiple departments that the fringe is being posted to and these amounts vary from week to week.

4.  Deduction Master Maintenance:  Specify the Vendor Payment Method Code for the Deduction Code to cover the employee's contribution.  Also assign the Vendor Number.
:  If using fringe benefits, assign the Fringe Number to the Deduction Code.  The Payroll Post identifies the fringes through the Deduction Code.

5.  Employee Master Maintenance:  Assign the Deduction Code to the employee in the Employee Master Scheduled Deduction Area.


2D.  Tables

MSR Benefits:  The MSR DEDS Table maintains the setup for payment of Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS) benefits via the Vendor Invoices and Checks feature.  The MSR DEDS table establishes the links between Run Codes and the associated Deduction Codes for the MainePERS.

Standard Withholding:  The following tables control how the post programs create invoice transactions for standard withholding amounts for taxes, retirement, and net direct deposit.  In each table, you assign a Deduction Code to the type of standard withholding, such as Federal Tax Withholding and Regular FICA withholding.  You do not need to assign these Deduction Codes to any employees, because the table handles it all.

G/L Account Numbers:  The PR A/P Invoice G/L Table (INV-GL) maintains the G/L Account Numbers used by the PR A/P Check Post and the PR F/A Invoice Post.


3.  Payroll Run Directions:

The following list describes the basic flow for processing Vendor Invoices and Checks during the Payroll Run:

1.  Payroll Post (or Post to Vendor Transaction Files)

2.  Fringe benefits processing programs, if applicable.

3.  Payroll Fund Accounting Accounts Payable programs, if applicable.

4.  Payroll Accounts Payable programs, if applicable.

Tip:  For specific timing information, refer to the Payroll Runbook.


3A.  Post Programs for Invoice Transactions

The Payroll Post programs generate invoice transactions for the Vendor Invoices and Checks features.  Each program uses the Vendor Payment Method code associated with the Deduction Code or the associated Fringe Number to determine whether to create invoice transactions for the Fund Accounting A/P method or the Payroll A/P method.

Payroll Post Programs:


About the Generated Invoice Transaction Records:

The post programs create invoice transaction records for the Fund Accounting A/P programs and the Payroll A/P programs.  The Vendor Payment Method determines which files to update.  The following fields (among others) are included in the invoice transaction records for both methods:


3B.  Fringe Benefits Programs

The Fringe Benefits feature is optional.  The fringe programs make up an interim step between the Payroll Post and the Vendor Invoices and Checks programs.  First, the Payroll Post program updates the Employee Fringe file.  Then the Fringe Distribution Post creates the invoice transaction records for Fund Accounting A/P and the Payroll A/P.

Tip:  For more information about the following programs, refer to Understanding Fringe Benefits.



3C.  Fund Accounting A/P Programs

The Fund Accounting A/P method posts the generated invoice transactions to the Fund Accounting module.  The invoices are then paid through Accounts Payable in Fund Accounting.  The following Payroll Fund Accounting A/P programs process all of the invoices for deductions and fringes that were coded with a Vendor Payment Method of (I)nvoice.

Note:  If you never use this Vendor Payment Method, you can skip these programs during the Payroll Run.

Tip:  If you need to make corrections to the invoice transactions, make them within the Fund Accounting module after running the PR F/A Invoice Post.


3D.  Payroll A/P Programs

The Payroll A/P method prints the checks for the invoice transactions directly from the Payroll module.  Then it posts the payment information to the General Ledger and Fund Accounting modules.  The following Payroll A/P programs process all of the invoices for deductions and employer paid benefits that were coded with a Vendor Payment Method of (C) or (CN).

Note:  If you never use these Vendor Payment Methods, you can skip these programs during the Payroll Run.

Tip:  If you need to make date corrections to the invoice transactions, use PR A/P Check Transaction Maintenance before preparing the checks.

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