Communications Professional Claims Medicare Menu

The Communications Professional Claims Medicare menu contains commands used to process and electronically submit billing claims to the insurance carrier.




Professional Claims Medicare Menu Items


Creates an electronic billing Setup workfile of the claims to be submitted electronically to the selected insurance carrier.

Print Journal

Lists all billing claims that are in the current electronic billing Setup file for the insurance carrier.


Transfers the claim information in the insurance carrier's electronic billing Setup file to an ANSI 837 format file that is required for transmission.


Zips and moves the electronic billing file to the location where it can be sent electronically to the insurance carrier.

Review Log

View the session reports and receive logs that provide processing information for each step of the electronic billing file session.

Receive Log

Moves the transmission session Receive logs from the download location to INSight.  The Receive logs provide an audit trail of what the insurance carrier acknowledges receiving from you.