Electronic Billing Procedure

Below is information outlining the steps for electronically sending billing claims to the insurance carrier using the INSight communications programs, which are found on the Billing Functions Menu.  



Electronic Billing Overview

Here is an overview of the electronic billing steps.

1. WORKFILE - do not build a special workfile.  Use the same billing workfile used for your paper claims.

2. Run the SETUP - creates an electronic billing setup file by looking at the current billing workfile and pulling in claims that qualify to go electronically.

3. Print the JOURNAL - prints all claims that are in current setup file.

4. Run the TRANSFER - transfers the claims information in the Setup file to an ANSI 837 format file.

5. Run the SEND - zips and moves the electronic billing file to the location where it can be sent electronically.  

6. Upload Claims to Carrier - Use Filezilla or go to the carrier's portal to transmit the electronic billing file to the carrier.

7. Download Receive Reports from the Carrier - Use Filezilla or go to the carrier's portal to download the receive reports from the insurance carrier.  

7. Run the RECEIVE LOG - Moves the Receive Logs from the download location to INSight.  These reports show what the carrier acknowledges receiving during the electronic billing transmission session and whether the claims in the file were accepted or rejected.  If the claims were rejected a reason is given.  All rejected claims must be repaired and then re-submitted.

8. View the REVIEW Log - provides an audit trail that allows you to look at processing information for each step of the e-billing session.  Here you can print the receive reports that you picked up during the download receive reports step and reconcile them with the e-billing journal.




1. Run the WORKFILE Build/Prelist

The first step in electronic billing is to use the same workfile that was built for your paper claims.  You do not build a special workfile.

2.  Run the Electronic Billing Setup

The Setup looks at the information in the current Billing workfile and creates an electronic billing file containing the claims that qualify to be processed electronically for the selected insurance carrier.

a. To select the Setup click the following sequence:

1. Click Communications from the Billing Functions menu.

2. Click Menu Panel.

3. Select the carrier to whom you will be sending.

4. Click Setup.

b. This is an example of the Setup window:


c.  Verify and enter the following information:

d. The following screen displays:



Note:  Some information to note at this window before you continue:

If all items above are present and valid, go onto next step.

3.  Print the Electronic Billing Journal

The journal prints all claims that are in current setup file for the specified insurance carrier.

Note:  If the Setup did not finish, the journal prints all claims up until the claim that caused the setup to fail.  If Setup did not begin, claims from the previous setup file will print.

a. To select the Print Journal, click the following sequence:

1. Click Communications from the Billing Functions menu.

2. Click Menu Panel.

3. Select the carrier.

4. Click Print Journal.

b. This is an example of the Print Journal window:


c.  Verify or enter the following information:


4. Run the Transfer

The Transfer routine transfers the claims information in the carrier's electronic billing Setup file to an ANSI 837 format file that is required for tranmission.

a. To select Transfer, click the following sequence:

1. Click Communications from the Billing Functions menu.

2. Click Menu Panel.

3. Select the carrier to whom you will be sending.

4. Click Transfer.

b. This is an example of the Transfer window:


c.  Verify and enter the following information:

d. The following screen displays:


Note:  Some things to note during the Transfer window:

5.  Run the Electronic Billing Send

The Send routine compresses and zips the e-billing file into the required format and then moves the zipped e-billing file to the location where it can be transmitted to the insurance carrier.  

Important:  When this step is complete, your file will be saved to:  c:\blast\webmd.dat or xxxxxxxx (for MaineCare x represents the practice's group NPI number).
This is the file that you will upload to insurance carrier.  It's important to note that this file is overwritten each time the Send is run.


a. To select the Send, click the following sequence:

1. Click Communications from the Billing Functions menu.

2. Click Menu Panel.

3. Select the carrier to whom you will be sending.

4. Click Send.

b. This is an example of the Send window:


c.  Verify the following information:

d. When complete the Processing Status window displays:



Note:  When the Send is complete, click Done.

6.  Upload Claims to the Carrier

Note:  Upload instructions vary for each carrier.  Please find the appropriate instructions on MyNDS, NDS' customer portal.


7.  Download Receive Reports from the Carrier

Note:  Download instructions vary for each carrier.  Please find the appropriate instructions on MyNDS, NDS' customer portal.


8.  Run the Receive Log routine

The Receive Log routine moves the electronic billing transmission logs also called Receive logs from the download location to INSight.  The Receive Logs are confirmation files that show what the carrier acknowledges receiving during the e-billing transmission.  The Receive Logs provide an audit trail that you sent the electronic billing file to the carrier.  When the Receive Log routine is completed, you will use the Review Log routine to actually view the contents of the receive logs.



a. To select the Receive Log, click the following sequence:

1. Click Communications from the Billing Functions menu.

2. Click Menu Panel.

3. Select the carrier to whom you will be sending.

4. Click Receive Logs.

b. This is an example of the Receive Logs window:


c.  To begin, simply press [Enter] or click Proceed.


9.  View the Review Log

The next step in the electronic billing process is to view the Review Log.  The Review Log routine is an audit tool that allows you to look at processing information for each step of the e-billing session.  Here  you can view the Receive Logs from the insurance carrier, which are confirmation files showing what the carrier acknowledges receiving during the electronic billing transmission session.  

In addition, the Review Logs allow you to look back in the e-billing history and find the answers to your questions.

Important:  It's important to review both the Receive Logs from the insurance carrier and the e-billing journal and maintain them as part of the audit trail for the electronic billing session with the carrier.

a. To select the Review Log, click the following sequence:

1. Click Communications from the Billing Functions menu.

2. Click Menu Panel.

3. Select the carrier to whom you will be sending.

4. Click Review Logs.

b. This is an example of the Review Logs window:


c.  Follow these steps to view the reports:

d.  To reconcile the e-billing session:

1.  Record the Transaction Set # that is at the top of the e-billing journal.

2.  View the Receive Log for the same date and look for the ST Control #.

3.  The e-billing journal Transaction Set # and the receive log St Control # must match.  If there is a question of timely filing, you will need to provide the carrier these numbers and copies of the reports as proof.

4.  The Receive Log summary amounts and the e-billing journal totals should also match as further proof that the e-billing session was processed properly.  The dollar amount of each claim and the total dollar amount of all claims and the total number of claims must match.

Troubleshooting Section

If your e-billing journal and receive log totals do not match:

1.  The first thing to check is your Setup file, which you can view in the Review Log routine.  If the Setup does not tell you the number of claims, something is wrong.  Most likely there is something wrong with a particular account.  This screen will tell you the account number that needs adjusting and why.  Remember, this screen will always say *DONE at the end whether there was an error or not.  

 If the Setup report seems confusing or you are not sure what needs to be done, print the Setup screen and fax it to NDS Support at 207-781-3726 or email it to support@ndsys.com.

2.  If the Setup screens looks OK, then look at your Transfer file session information by viewing it during the Review Log routine.  
It should list a number of records retrieved (this number will not correspond to any other number such as number of claims or number of accounts, it is system driven), and will state Ready to Send, if Transfer completed properly.

3.  The most common error is:

This is a very common error that can occur during the Setup.  It can mean that there are no claims to send.

4.  Another possible reason why claims are not being sent, depends on how your insurance Ids are set up in File Maintenance.  All insurances must have a Payor ID,  Claim Receiver type, and an EMC table ID assigned to them.  In addition, they must be set to go electronically.  Please refer to the HIPAA File Maintenance Runbook for instructions.

5.  There are numerous reasons why your e-billing file did not go through electronically.  There can be communication issues, PC issues, carrier issues, or system issues, etc.  Often, NDS can decipher why claims were not sent by looking at your Review session.  When in doubt, call NDS Support at 1-800-649-7754.  Make sure you have your receive log and e-billing journal handy as you will need to refer to ttem.