Workfile Build/Prelist
Use the Workfile Build/Prelist routine to build a workfile that contains the appropriate charges to be billed and to print a Prelist that contains any errors and omissions in the patients' records associated with the charges to be billed. In addition, the Prelist prints a Medicare Secondary Claims List, which lists all of the secondary Medicare claims so that you can check for the EOB records. You can use the Prelist to correct the errors and omissions before actually submitting the claims. This will substantially reduce third-party rejections.
While the Workfile Build will bring in all appropriate charges for all form types regardless of the form types selected during the routine, the Prelist only reports errors for charges associated with the form types selected during the routine.
The Workfile Build/Prelist is the first step in the billing cycle after completing all Daily Work including the Charge Payment Post Initialize. For more information, see the Billing Overview.
For information on the criteria that determines which charges are included in the billing workfile, click More.
Since all information that prints on the insurance claim forms and patient statements is derived from the billing workfile, (think of the workfile as a holding bin) charges entered into INSight after the file is rebuilt will not appear unless the workfile is rebuilt.
For more information about running reports, see Print View.
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