Charge Entry - Overview

Use Charge Entry to enter charges for services provided to patients and to enter payments received at the time of service.  You can enter the procedures and diagnoses associated with the charges.  When you enter a charge, the system assigns a Ticket Number to the charge for tracking and reference purposes.

Charge Entry is made up of two major windows:

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Charge Entry - Details by Area

Tip:  To see more information about an area, click the hyperlink for that area.

Patient Reference Panel

Displays the Patient Account Number prompt for loading patients.

Batch Entry Window

Tip:  When you open Charge Entry, the Batch Entry Window displays first.

Batch Entry Window

View and maintain Charge Entry default batch information.  Use batches to maintain default codes to simplify the entry of like charges and to group similar charges for reconciliation.

Work Window

Tip:  The Work Window displays after you complete the Batch Entry Window.  There are several areas for data entry in the Work Window.

Patient Guarantor Area

Displays the patient's guarantor information, patient insurances and patient remarks for your reference.

Patient Balances Area

Displays patient balances for your reference.

Patient Diagnoses Area

Displays the diagnoses for the patient for your reference.

Batch Identifiers Area

Contains the default batch parameters, which can be edited.

Location & Provider Area

Contains the default values entered during Batch Entry, which can be edited.

Transaction Detail Area

Contains the fields to enter detail charge transactions for the patient.

Commit Charges Area

Contains fields to complete the charge detail transactions and the command to apply a payment to the transactions.

Other Windows

The following windows are launched from the Commit Charges Area, under specific circumstances.

Quick Payment Entry

Contains fields for entering a payment received at the time of service.

Prior Authorization Maintenance

Manually attaches a referral authorization to a charge and displays referrals associated with charges.

Tip:  For more information, see Adding a Referral to a Charge.

Referral Authorization Window

Automatically loads referral authorization information to the charge.

Tip:  For more information, see Adding a Referral to a Charge.

Other Charge Entry