Extract Consumption

Use the Extract Consumption routine to create a consumption file containing historical readings and usage for a selected service and time period.  As part of the routine, a list of the customers who are pulled into the file is generated for your review.  Typically, the readings that are gathered can be used later for generating billing charges that are based on the consumption from another service.  Or, Extract Consumption can be used for transferring consumption readings from 1 service to another.  The Extract Consumption file information can be used for reporting purposes as well.  

For example, if customer sewer charges are based on the customers' water consumption you can use this routine to gather water readings and create a consumption file with this information.  In a separate step, the consumption file can be sent through the Meter Import process where the billing transactions will be created and imported to the billing transactions file.  Using Extract Consumption can be handy way to create consumptions if you don't have readings for generating charges.



To open:

1.  Click Daily Work from the menu.

2.  Click Billing.

3.  Click Reading Tools.

4.  Click Extract Consumption.

Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [r] [r] [e].


Extract Consumption Window Example:



Extract Consumption Prompts



To select the services for extracting consumptions, click to check the appropriate services listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all services listed, click Check All .


To select the companies for extracting consumptions, click to check the appropriate companies listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all companies listed, click Check All .

Finance Periods

To select the Finance Periods for extracting consumptions, click to check the appropriate Finance Periods listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all Finance Periods listed, click Check All .

Trans Codes

To select the transaction codes for extracting consumptions, click to check the appropriate Transaction Codes listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all Transaction Codes listed, click Check All .

Rate Class

To select the Rate Classes for extracting consumptions, click to check the appropriate rate classes listed.

Tip:  To quickly select or de-select all rate classes listed, click Check All .

Process Type

To choose a processing type, click to select the appropriate button.


  • History Summary

  • History Total

Billing Periods

Enter the number of periods to look back in history for consumption readings.  
Example:  Enter 1 to look in 1 period.  Enter 2 to look in 2 billing periods.


  • The Billing Periods and the From Date and Through Date work together to determine the time period for consumptions.

  • If multiple billing periods are specified, the consumption for each period is reported individually.

Exclude Customer with No Matching History

To include all customers even if they do not have history that qualifies, leave this box unchecked.

To exclude customers if they do not have readings for the time period specified, click to check this box.

From Date

Enter the beginning date to search for consumptions.  Or, leave blank to retrieve the most recent readings.

Note:  The Billing Period and the From Date and Through Date work together to determine the time period for consumptions.

Through Date

Enter the ending date for the range to search for consumptions.  Or, leave blank to retrieve the most recent readings.

To begin the routine, click Proceed, or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + p]

Or, to escape from the routine, click Cancel .

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]

Process Status

Displays information pertaining to the various phases of the Extract process to guide you.

  Important:  Complete displays when the routine is completed.  In addition, the Message window displays Process Ended and Time Ended to alert you when the routine is complete.  Before closing the window, review all messages that display and review the Extraction Consumption Listing.

To view and print the Extraction Consumption Listing from the Process Status window, click Print View.

Note:  The process generates an Extraction Consumption Listing to provide you with a list of customers, their readings and the reading dates.  For more information, see Extraction Consumption Listing Sample.


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