Export Process

To prepare account and meter information and export it for use in a hand-held meter reading devise.

Steps in the export process:

1.  Run the Create Export Work file to build a work file of account and meter information to be included in the meter export file.


2.  Print the Meter Export Journal.  Use this to verify that the desired accounts are in the export file.


3.  Run the Export File routine to create the meter export file.




Import Process

Use the Import procedures to import information to EDIFICE and use this data to create billing transactions, which are later posted to the billing transaction file.

Note:  The system has the ability to generate flat charges for billing items that do not have readings.  For directions, see the EDIFICE Flat Imports Instructions.


Steps of the import process:

1.  Perform Import Readings/Create Transactions.  Or, use the enhanced Import Readings/create Transactions.  Both routines will import readings and create billing transactions.  The enhanced version will allow you to review, edit and approve the readings before creating billing transactions.


2.  Print the Meter Import Journal.  Proof the meter information to confirm that the correct import file was brought in, the dates are correct and the charge totals are logical before posting to the billing transaction file.


3.  Run the Meter Import Post to transfer imported billing transactions to the billing transaction file for further bill processing.


4.  Print a Billing Edit Journal to proof the billing transactions.



Note:  Meter Communications uses controls that are maintained during: