Billing Transaction Profile Maintenance

Use Billing Transaction Profile Maintenance to maintain groups of customer related Transaction Codes for generating billing transactions.  Billing Transaction Profiles are used during Bill Entry and Meter Import Readings/Create Transactions.  Typically, you will maintain Billing Transaction Profiles for each of the different types of customers you have.  For example, you can set up a Billing Transaction Profile to bill your commercial customers and another one for your residential customers and one for your farm/agriculture customers.  You assign Billing Transaction Profiles to each customer billing element including meters, meter trailers, components, or location Reference Type service in order for each item to be billed and charged separately.

During Bill Entry the Billing Transaction Profile's Transaction Codes display as the default value for the Transaction Code, but it can be edited.  During Meter Import Readings/Create Transactions, Billing Transaction Profiles are used to generate the customer charges by creating a billing transaction for each Transaction Code for each reading imported.



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