Work Order Time Entry

Use Time Entry to enter and maintain time for work done.  Time can be maintained for work orders or for work that is not related to a work order.  Time is also automatically generated from mobile work orders and mobile events.

Note:  There is setup required for using the Time Entry function.



To open Time Entry from Work Order Entry or from the Service Management view, click Add Time Entry.  The following window displays.

Work Order Entry Time Entry Example:


Time Entry Prompts

Time Entry

The following functions are available in Time Entry:

  • Hours/Minutes - Shows the amount of time already entered for the work or work order.

  • Add Time Entry - Click to add time for labor related to work done.  See below for details on entering.

  • Remove Time Entry - Click to highlight time detail to remove.  Then click Remove Time Entry.

  • Time Entry Details - Shows the details for labor time already entered for the work or the work order.

Adding Time for Labor

To add time, click Add Time Entry .  The following screen displays.


Work Order ID

Displays from the work order if there is one associated with the labor.

Technician ID

Displays the technician that was assigned to the work order, but this can be changed and a technician can be added if needed.

Labor Code

To select the labor code, click a choice in the drop-down list.


To specify the project to be associated with the labor, click a choice in the drop-down list.


Displays the problem code associated with the work order, if applicable.  This can be edited and a new problem code can be selected.  


Enter the minutes and hours for the amount of time for the labor or use the arrows to select the hour and minutes.

Payroll Processed

Note:  This field is reserved for future use.

Entry Date

The system date displays, but can be changed to the appropriate date.  

Note:  The user name, date and time of the labor entry is recorded and displays.


Comments about the labor entry can be added:  The following tools are available:

  • Enter / Edit Comments - Click in the area and begin typing.  When finished, save your work.

  • Large Editor - To expand the window for easier viewing click Large Editor.  The area becomes an enlarged window.

  • Copy to Clipboard - Easily copy a large block of text by highlighting the desired text and then clicking Copy to Clipboard.

  • Paste from Clipboard - Easily paste a block of text from another source to the notes by clicking Paste from Clipboard.

  • Refresh - Re-displays the notes from the last time they were saved and clears all changes made since last save.

  • Clear - Removes all notes currently displayed.

To complete the entries, click Save.

Or, to cancel the entries, click Cancel.