Work Order Entry

Use Work Order Entry to enter, edit and view work order information for work orders as well as complete work orders.  You can enter a work order for a location or a site that is non-billable location and identify the tasks to do and the problems to be resolved as well as assign the technician to do the work.  If a work order was generated when a service call was entered in the Scheduler, it can be viewed and edited here.  You can also change the appointment date and time for a scheduled work order here.  In addition, you can print a work order.  When the work order is completed employee time for the work done can be entered and billing transactions related to the work can be generated.



To open:

From the Service Management view, click Create Work Order .

Note:  Depending on how your system is set, Create Work Order will open Work Order Entry or Scheduler.  For more information, contact NDS Support at 800-649-7754

Other Ways to Open Work Order Entry:


Work Order Entry Window Example:


Work Order Entry Prompts


The following fields are the primary work order fields.  All other fields are listed at the end.

If Work Order Entry is opened by clicking a work order from the Service Management view or from the Asset Management view, these fields fill in and can be edited.

New is automatically selected if create work order is selected.  

Or, to create a new work order, click New.  

Work Order

The next available Work Order number displays.  

Or to recall another work order, enter the work order number assigned to that order.  (6.0 numeric)


To assign a status to the work order, click a choice in the list.


Location or Site

Customer ID

If a location is displayed in the Inquiry the location will display here, but can be changed, if needed.  Otherwise, you can enter a location, site or customer.  

  • To assign a location, enter a location ID.

  • To switch to a non-billable location, click Switch and then enter the Site ID.  (up to 12 characters)

  • Or, enter a customer ID.  The name for the location or the customer displays.


  • To look for a location, site or customer, click Search .

  • To view additional information about the location, click .

  • For a customer, Owner and Tenant indicate who is responsible for the work order.  Click the appropriate button to change responsibility.

General Work Order Information


To select the territory where the service is needed, click a choice from the list of defined territories.


Entry Options:

  • Enter the start date. (mmddccyy)

  • Or, to specify the date to start the work, click the date picker and select a date.  

  • Or, if Create Work Order is selected by right-clicking a Scheduler time slot, the appointment date is automatically entered, but can be edited.


Entry Options:

  • To assign a start time for the work order appointment, select a time or enter the time depending on how your system is set. (hh:mm)

  • Or, accept the default any to indicate the work can be done anytime during the selected date.  

  • Or, if Create Work Order is selected by right-clicking a Scheduler time slot, the time is automatically entered, but can be edited.

Work Order Detail Entry - Jobs

Use this area to enter the service work information.

Note:  A work order can have multiple jobs.  To add a job to the work order, click Add Job .  Another window opens for entering the job fields below.


Displays the selected work order status for your reference.


To assign a technician, click a choice from the list of technicians.

If Create Work Order is selected by right-clicking a scheduling time slot, the technician is automatically entered, but can be edited.

Note:  If a territory is selected above, the technicians listed will only be for the selected territory.

Problem Code

To assign the problem/task code to describe the nature of the problem or work to be done, click a choice from the list of problem codes.


The description lines associated with the problem/task code display and they can be edited. (up to 35 characters per line, up to six lines)

Tip:  While there are six description lines available, the problem/task code description may only use a portion of the lines.  This allows you to add text to the description to more clearly outline the task.

Estimated Duration

The default amount of time estimated to complete the task or resolve the problem displays, but can be edited. (hh:mm)


To assign a device to the work order, click a device from the list.


To perform work on a company owned (non-billable) asset, select the appropriate asset from the drop-down list.  Multiple assets can be selected by control-clicking.  
Note:  Assets are only available if the work order is associated with the location or site.


Displays the amount of time for labor associated with the work order.

To add time for labor related to the work order, click Time Entry .

Office Notes

Enter notes pertaining to the work order, if applicable.

Other Notes

Displays the notes that were entered during mobile work orders, which can include labor, inventory and notes about the work.  In addition, you can enter more details about the work or job as needed.

The following tools are available:

  • Enter / Edit Notes - Click in the notes area and begin typing.  When finished, save your work.

  • Large Editor - To expand the notes window for easier viewing click Large Editor.  The notes area becomes an enlarged window.

  • Copy to Clipboard - Easily copy a large block of text by highlighting the desired text and then clicking Copy to Clipboard.

  • Paste from Clipboard - Easily paste a block of text from another source to the notes by clicking Paste from Clipboard.

  • Refresh - Re-displays the notes from the last time they were saved and clears all changes made since last save.

  • Clear - Removes all notes currently displayed.

Created By

Displays the user, date and time that the work order was created for your reference.

To update the new or changed information, click Save.

Note:  A message Work Order Saved displays for your reference.

To clear the current entries and start another work order, click Clear.  The following prompt displays:



Click Yes to clear the entries or click No to continue entering the work order with the current entries.

To automatically schedule an appointment based on the date and time entered for the work order, or update the appointment based on edits to made to the work order, click to check this box.  

Or, to omit scheduling an appointment for the work order, de-select this box.

Work Order Entry Tabs


Additional work order information is organized under other tabs.

  • Actions - Lists actions that need to be done for completed work orders.

  • Mobile Events - Shows the operations or functions such as change outs, readings and inventory transactions that automatically occurred using data from completed mobile work orders.

  • Images - Add and view images associated with work orders including pictures of work done.

  • Attachments - Add external documentation including documents, PDFs, and sketches,  For directions, see Attachments below.

  • Inventory - Shows inventory transactions related to completed work orders, if EDIFICE is set to interface with Inventory. Inventory transactions can also be generated without billing them here.  For directions, see Inventory below.

  • Labor - Shows all labor for the work order.  Time for labor can be added and removed.

  • Billing - Use Billing to create the billing transactions for completed work orders.  Posted billing transactions will show as history.  For directions on creating billing, see completing work orders.

Printing Work Orders

To access the Print options, click Print.

To print the work order to a printer, click Print.

To view the work order on the screen first, select Print View.

Other Work Order Fields


Displays the service for which  the customer needs a service call.  To choose another service, click a choice from the list.


To select the type of call this is, click a choice from the list of types.


To indicate the urgency of the work to be done, click a choice in the drop-down list.  


  • Normal, High, Emergency, Low


To accept the customer's first and last name as the contact name for the service call, press [TAB] or, enter another name for the person to contact about the work to be done. (up to 15 characters)


Displays the combined three-digit area code and the seven-digit telephone number for the customer.  Or, enter another number for contacting the person. (xxx-xxx-xxxx)


To select the salesperson assigned to the service call, if applicable, click a choice from the list of salespersons.

User Definable Fields

Use the work order user definable fields to view and maintain information specific to your organization.  Because these fields are custom to your organization, the fields in the documentation may not match the fields on your screen.  Alpha user definable fields will have drop-down lists from which you can choose an entry or you can enter an entry that is not listed.  Adding an entry will make it available for the next time.


work Order user definable fields example:

Attachments Tab

Use this area to view, add or remove non-EDIFICE generated documents and files for an account together in one convenient spot. This allows you to store any type of external documentation such as correspondence, documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, and images pertaining to the work order in one central location.  Attachments generated from mobile events such as a backflow survey will automatically be added to the work order as an attachment.

To start, click Attachments and a list of attachments displays.  The number indicates the number of items currently attached to the account.  The list can be sorted and filtered as needed.

Add Attachment

After a document has been scanned and saved or, a PDF or image is saved, it can be attached to the account.

1.  Click Add and the following screen displays:

2.  Click Browse.  Then, navigate to the location of the saved item and select the file to attach.

3.  Enter an optional name or description for the item.

4.  Click Ok to complete the process.


To view the attachment, click View on the desired line.  The attachment opens within the program that is based on the type of file it is.


To save the attachment to a new location, click Save.  The save as window opens where you can assign a new location.


To remove an attachment from the account, click Delete on the appropriate line.  The following prompt displays.  Click Yes to delete it or click No to keep the attachment.


This area shows the inventory transactions associated with completed work orders, if EDIFICE is set to interface with Inventory. Inventory transactions can also be generated without billing them by using the update Inventory without billing function.


To create inventory transactions from the work that was performed for the purpose of relieving inventory only and not to be billed, click Update Inventory without Billing .

After clicking Update Inventory without Billing, the following screen displays where you can remove unwanted inventory items and add ones.  To create the inventory transactions for the purpose of updating inventory, click Continue.



After clicking continue, the inventory is listed as unposted.  After the items are posted in Inventory, they will show here with the posted box checked.


Editing a Work Order

CAUTION:  To avoid losing data, save new or changed information.

1.  Enter the work order number to be changed and press [ENTER].

:  If you do not know the work order number, use the Service Management view to find the work order.

2.  Click the field to change.

3.  Enter the changes.

4.  To complete the edit process, click Save , or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

Deleting a Work Order

1.  Enter the work order number to be deleted and press [ENTER].
:  If you do not know the work order number, you can use the Service Management view to find it.

2.  To delete the work order simply change the status to Deleted.

3.  The work order will remain in the history with a status of deleted.


Completing a Work Order

CAUTION:  To avoid losing data, save new or changed information.

1.  To display the work order to be completed, enter the work order number and press [ENTER].

:  If you do not know the work order number, use the Service Management view to find the work order.

2.  Change the status to Completed or Completed Needs Review, Completed in Field, Completed with Errors.

3.  Enter a result code and results notes.  
Tip:  In addition, there are other notes that are typically assigned during the closing wizards of mobile work orders and will display here for your reference.

4.  The completed date and time are automatically assigned by the system.

5.  If work was performed on a company owned (non-billable) asset, select the appropriate asset from the drop-down list.  Multiple assets can be selected by control-clicking.   Note:  Assets are only available if the work order is associated with a location or site.

6.  If you are tracking time worked on the job, click Time Entry to enter the time associated with the job, if applicable.  For directions, see Time Entry.

7.  To complete the process, click Save .

8.  To build receivables billing transactions for the work order, click the Billing tab .  
Then click Bill Receivable .  For directions on entering receivables, see Work Order Entry - Create Receivables Entry.

Note:  Create Receivable is only active when the work order status is set to completed and a result code is assigned.