Create Interim Reading Wizard

Use the Create Interim Reading Wizard to enter meter readings during the middle of the billing cycle.  You can use this program if you or a customer suspect there is a service connection problem that is causing excessive usage, such as a water leak.  You can track service connection usage for shorter time periods, because Interim Readings are informational only.  This is helpful if your billing cycle is long, as you can determine if there is a problem in a more timely fashion.  The table following the window example describes the data entry area for the Create Interim Reading Wizard.



To display the Create Interim Reading Wizard:

  1. Click Create from the Wizards Control Menu in the Customer Inquiry.

  2. Click Create Interim Reading.


Create Interim Reading Wizard Data Entry Example:


Create Interim Reading Wizard Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.


Enter the Location ID for the interim reading. (up to 12 characters)

To move to the next step, click Next.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]

Service Connection

To choose the service connection for the location, click a choice in the drop-down list.


To move to the next step, click Next.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]

Prior Reading Date

To accept the Prior Reading Date displayed from history, press [TAB].  Or, enter another Prior Reading Date. (mm/dd/ccyy, slashes and century optional)

Present Reading Date

To accept the system date as the Present Reading Date, press [TAB].  Or, enter another date. (mm/dd/ccyy, slashes and century optional)

Last Reading

To accept the amount of the Last Reading from the last billing cycle, press [TAB].  Or, enter another last reading amount. (14.0 numeric)

Current Reading

Enter the present meter reading for the service connection. (14.0 numeric)

To move to the next step, click Next.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]

Tip:  To verify the usage calculated from the readings, click Next.

To validate and save the data for all of the Wizard steps, click Finish.  The Wizard window closes when the save is complete.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

Verify Interim Reading Wizard Window

Last Reading

Displays the amount of the ast reading before the current reading.

Current Reading

Displays the reading entered in the previous window.

Usage Multiplier

Displays the service connection Usage Multiplier for generating the usage, if applicable.


Displays the service connection's usage for the interim reading, which is calculated by using the last reading and the current reading.

To validate and save the data for all of the Wizard steps, click Finish.  The Wizard window closes when the save is complete.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

To close the Wizard without validating or saving data, click Close.