Wizards Control Menu

The Wizards Control menu contains commands used to open several Wizards for data entry.  Similarly to the Windows™ Explorer, you can collapse and expand a level within the menu using the plus (+) and minus (–) buttons.




Wizards Control Menu Example:


Wizards Control Menu Items


Tip:  To show the Create portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Plus .
Or, to hide the Create portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Minus .


Create customer information.


Create location information.

Service Connection

Create service connection information.

Interim Reading

Enter meter readings for an interim time period during the billing cycle.

Create Work Order

Create service work orders for customers.


Tip:  To show the Edit portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Plus .
Or, to hide the Edit portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Minus .

Customer Information

Maintain customer name and address information.

Customer Service

Maintain customer service connection information.

Customer Note

Note:  WebHelp for this topic is not currently available.

Customer Alert

Maintain messages to alert your business about the customer.

User Definable Customer Fields

Maintain customer information for the user-definable fields.

User Definable Location Fields

Maintain location information for the user-definable fields.

Billing Information

Maintain billing information for the customer.

Location Information

Maintain location information.

Add/Change/Remove Location Tenant

Add, change or remove the tenant from the location.

Add/Change Location Owner

Add or change the Owner information for the location.

Change Out Connection

Change out the connection.

Final Customer

Maintain billing and consumption information for generating a final bill and for assigning a new customer to the service connection.

Final Statement

Note:  WebHelp for this topic is not currently available.


Tip:  To show the Remove portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Plus .
Or, to hide the Remove portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Minus .


Delete the customer.

Service Connection

Remove the service connection.


Remove the location.