Employee File Maintenance - Menu Tree
The Employee File Maintenance - Menu Tree is a side panel containing a tree-structured navigation view that contains commands for launching Employee File Maintenance programs. The Menu Tree provides an easy way to navigate among the various file maintenance programs for an employee.
The Menu Tree is also called Tree View or Tree Menu.
The name of the active program is outlined in the Menu Tree.
Under each program option, there are related options for additional windows related to the main program. The sub-options are only active for when the related program is open. Inactive sub-options appear dimmed.
To see directions for:
Opening a program or window from the Menu Tree, click More.
To display the Menu Tree, open any one of the following Employee File Maintenance Programs from the Employee File Maintenance:
In the Menu Tree, click the name of the window that you want to open.
applicable, click any sub-option related to the open program to display
the window for additional information.
Example: If
you open Employee Master Maintenance, you can then click Rate History
to display the Employee
Rate History Area.
Working with images for the employee, click More.
For directions to add or remove an image for the employee, refer to the Images Menu topic.
there is more than one image for the employee, click Previous
or Next
to view an additional image.
To see an enlarged view of an image, double-click the image in the Menu Tree.
To magnify
the image, click Expand .
To shrink
the image, click Shrink .
Tip: You can also add photos for an employee by defining an image field during Employee HR Field Maintenance.
Employee File Maintenance - Menu Tree Example: