Payment Entry - Patient Guarantor Area

Use the Patient Guarantor Area in the Work Window to quickly view patient guarantor information, their assigned insurances, budget information and the date of their last payment.  The table following the window example describes the Patient Guarantor Area in Payment Entry.

Note:  The fields in this area (excluding Remarks) are display-only during Payment Entry.


To display the Patient Guarantor Area in the Work Window:

  1. Open Payment Entry:

  1. Enter the Patient Account Number.

  2. Press [ENTER].

  3. Click Payment Entry in the Menu Tree.

  1. If applicable, review the Batch Entry Window, and then click OK .
    :  The Batch Entry Window automatically displays only the first time you open Payment Entry for the day.  However, you can reopen it manually from the Work Window, if needed.

  2. Advanced Methods:  To see additional methods for opening the Work Window, click More


Payment Entry - Patient Guarantor Area Example:


Payment Entry - Patient Guarantor Fields


Displays the patient's Account Number.

Note:  The patient's first and last name display for your reference.


Displays the Account Number for the patient's guarantor.


  • The guarantor's first and last name display for your reference.

  • If guarantor is blank, the patient is the guarantor.

Insurances 1 - 6

Displays the insurance codes currently assigned to the patient's account. (up to 5 characters)

Note:  While the patient may have up to six insurances assigned to their account, insurances 4, 5 and 6 are informational only.  They are not used during the billing process.  Generally, insurances 4, 5 and 6 are reserved for insurances that had insured the patient, but are no longer active.  To bill a charge to an insurance in insurance 4, 5 or 6, first move the insurance to insurance 1, 2 or 3 at the Patient Entry - Assigned Insurances Area.

To make the font in the Transaction Detail Entry Area bold, click the Font button.  To unbold the font, click Font again.

Budget Type

Displays the patient's Budget Type Code, if the patient is on a budget payment plan. (1 character)

Budget Amount

Displays the amount the patient is expected to pay each budget period, if they are on a budget payment plan. (7.2 numeric)

Date Last Payment

Displays the date the last payment was applied to the patient's account. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)

Unapplied Credits

Displays the amount of unapplied credits for the patient.


Displays the patient remarks line 1 and line 2 for your reference. (up to 20 characters)

Note:  You can edit Remarks 1 and 2 at this time.

Other Payment Entry