Scheduling - Appointment Audit Trail Window

Use the Appointment Audit Trail Window to view the history of reschedules for a particular appointment.  The table following the window example describes the Appointment Audit Trail for Scheduling.

Tip:  See also the Scheduling - Recall Audit Trail Window.


To display the Appointment Audit Trail:

  1. Open Scheduling.

  2. Display one of the following windows:

  3. Scheduling Window - Appointment Detail Area

  4. Scheduling - Floating Appointment Detail Window

  1. Click Audit .


Scheduling - Appointment Audit Trail Window Example:


Scheduling - Appointment Audit Trail Window Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.


Displays the reschedule action, such as Scheduled, Cut For Reschedule, and Rescheduled.


Displays the Reschedule Code ID.


Displays the date of the change to the schedule.


Displays the time of the change to the schedule.


Displays the Operator ID of the person who performed the reschedule.

Appt Date

Displays the Appointment Date.

Appt Time

Displays the Appointment Time.

Prov ID

Displays the Scheduling Provider Code.

Loc ID

Displays the Scheduling Location Code.

Type ID

Displays the Appointment Type ID.

Other Scheduling