Understanding Matching Annuities
This topic describes how to set up matching annuities in Payroll, and then how to process them during the Payroll Run. You can create matching annuities to process Payroll deductions for the employees with matching deductions for the employers' contributions. The employee deductions, which are the annuity deductions, are withheld from the employees' pay. The employer deductions, which are the matching annuities, are not withheld from the employees' pay - however the amounts print on the check stubs and the Employee Annuity Report for your reference. For example, an employer may offer matching benefits such as contributing a matching amount for 401K, savings bonds, or some other investment.
You must assign both the annuity deductions and matching annuity deductions to the employees.
When you assign the deductions to the employees, you can determine if the annuities and matching annuities are calculated as flat amounts or as percentages of pay - just like any other deduction.
Scenario: In the examples depicted in this topic, Employee #102, Richard A. Richardson, contributes 1% of his gross pay to a 401K plan. His employer, the town of Faircity, contributes a matching amount of 2% of gross pay (up to an annual maximum of $3,000.00).
Directions: Setting Up Matching Annuities
To see how to set up...
Deduction Master Maintenance, click More.
Annuity Table Maintenance, click More.
Employee Master Scheduled Deductions, click More.
Directions: Processing Matching Annuities
To see how to...
Enter payroll checks, click More.
Print the Employee Annuity Report, click More.
Print the Payroll Checks, click More.