Open Transactions Menu

The Open Transactions menu contains commands used to accumulate certain types of charges such as, flat charges or charges that are not billed as frequently.  For example, your facility may bill for two types of services such as, water and sewer where water is billed monthly and the sewer is billed quarterly.  Use these routines to enter billing charges and accumulate them until such a time that they should be included in the current billing cycle.  When appropriate, you can move the open transactions to the Billing Transaction file by running the Move Open Transactions routine.  In addition, you can move billing transactions from the live Billing Transaction file into the Open Transaction file until you are ready to run the Billing Post.

 Important:  Only use the Open Transactions routines with the direction of NDS Technical Support.


Open Transactions Menu Items

Transaction Entry

Enter, edit and delete information for generating customer open transactions.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [o] [e]

Transaction Edit Journal

Print the Open Transactions Edit Journal of selected transactions entered or moved into the Open Transaction file.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [o] [d]

Transaction Journal

Print a listing of ALL the Open Transactions that are in the Open Transaction file.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [o] [j]

Move Open Transactions

Move customer billing transactions between the Billing Transaction file and Open Transaction file or from the Open Transaction file to the Billing Transaction file.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [o] [t]