XML Shut Off Letter

Use the XML Shut Off Letter routine to print shut off notices for the customers that have overdue balance amounts for the aging period specified.  In addition, during this routine the customer's shut off notice tracking and their shut off status each time a letter is printed is updated.  A copy of the letter along with the notice date and amount is stored in the Documents view.  For more information, see the Documents view in the Enhanced Inquiry.




To open:

1.  Click Processes from the menu.

2.  Click Shut Off.

3.  Click XML Shut Off Letter.

:  Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [s] [x].

XML Shut Off Letter Window Example:


XML Shut Off Letter Prompts


To select the services to print, click to check the appropriate services listed.


To begin printing, click Print, or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + p]

Or, to view to the screen, click Print View .

Or, to escape from the print routine, click Cancel .

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]


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