The table below describes the global application icons (sometimes referred to as Buttons). An icon is a graphical representation that a user can select and open, such as a folder, document, or program. You can click an icon to quickly launch a function or routine.
Note: Some of these icons may not be included in this particular application.
Icons and Buttons |
Browses through WebHelp topics. |
Saves the displayed record to the appropriate file. |
Searches a file and displays the items found. |
Clears the data currently displayed and returns to the choices available when first entering the window for this function. |
Turns on/off cue cards, which provide help for specific fields in a window. |
Opens WebHelp® online documentation. |
Prints a single record at a file maintenance window in some programs. Tip: Sometimes referred to as a Drill-Down. |
Launches Print View when printing a report. |
Sends a report to a printer. |
Emails a copy of a report to a coworker from Print View. |
Saves a report from Print View to memory, so that you can quickly view it again at a later time. |
Changes the font size for data. |
Identifies a hyperlink
you can click, by changing the pointer to a hand shape when hovering over
a hyperlink. |
Creates a new item (record) in a file during file maintenance. |
Shows the WebHelp Navigation Pane, which contains the Table of Contents, Index, and Search tabs. |
Hides the WebHelp Navigation Pane. |
Shows a drop-down list of options for a field when clicked. |
Minimizes, maximizes, and closes windows. Note: For more information, see Manipulating Windows. |
Partially shrinks a window (referred to as restore down), so it does not fill the entire screen. Note: For more information, see Manipulating Windows. |
Launches a Web link to Internet sites such as people search and map search. |
Launches Search for a specific field. |
Launches wizard assistance routines. |
Opens the Fast Access File Maintenance window for a data field in order to review, edit or create a new code for that field. |
Launches the Executive Management Console, an advanced ad hoc reporting utility. |
Launches the Action Console, an advanced triage and tickler utility. |
Launches Reporting Default Options. |
Launches Executive Management - Function Maintenance to maintain report alerts. |
Opens a file or loads information to the window. |
Starts a new record. |
Deletes a record. |
Completes data entry. |
Expands or collapses the detail listed. (Hides or displays additional information.) |
Resets processing flags. |
Prints the Single Period Activity Report. |
Prints the Chart of Accounts Report. |
Opens Account Master Maintenance. |
Browses for a file using Windows Explorer. |