Fringe Example - Birthday Club Using Fringe Amount

This topic describes how to set up a fringe benefit for a birthday club that is paid through the optional Vendor Invoices and Checks feature.  In this example, each employee contributes a specific amount to the birthday celebration fund and the employer contributes a smaller amount per employee.  For the Vendor and Invoices system, the employer's total amount to pay a vendor comes from the sum of the employer's per employee amounts.

To set up a fringe using Fringe Calculation Code 3 (Use Fringe Amount) for the employer's portion, you need to set up a Deduction Code used for the employees' portions and a Fringe Number used for the associated employer's portion.  The Payroll Post program uses the Deduction Code assigned to each employee during Employee Master Maintenance.  The withheld money is deposited to a bank account specifically setup for the birthday club.



Directions for Setup:

  1. Fringe Master Maintenance:  Create a Fringe Number for the employer's matching contribution.  To see instructions, click More.

  2. Deduction Master Maintenance:  Create a Deduction Code for the employee's portion.  To see instructions, click More.

  3. Employee Master Maintenance:  Assign the Deduction Code to the employee in the Employee Master Scheduled Deductions Area.  To see instructions, click More.

  4. Employee Fringe Maintenance:  Assign the Fringe Number to the Employee.  To see instructions, click More.

  5. Auto Fringe Distribution Maintenance:  The Payroll Post uses this cross-reference to link Appropriations Account Numbers (expense accounts) to Department Numbers.  To see instructions, click More.

Directions for Confirming the Setup:

You can see the results of the setup in the following programs.

  1. Payroll Check Entry:  To see an example, click More.

  2. Employee Fringe Maintenance:  To see an example, click More.

  3. Invoice Transactions:  To see an example, click More.

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