Fringe Example - Flat Amount for Health Club

This topic describes how to set up a fringe benefit for health club dues to be paid through the optional Vendor Invoices and Checks feature.  In this example, the employee pays the same amount every pay period and the employer pays a matching amount for each employee.

To set up a fringe using Fringe Calculation Code 1 (Flat Amount) for the employer's portion, you need to set up a Deduction Code for the employee's portion and a Fringe Number for the matching employer's portion.  The Payroll Post program uses the Deduction Code assigned to the employee during Employee Master Maintenance.



Directions for Setup:

Normally, you only have to perform the following maintenance once.

  1. Fringe Master Maintenance:  Create a Fringe Number for the employer's matching contribution.  To see instructions, click More.

  2. Deduction Master Maintenance:  Create a Deduction Code for the employee's portion.  To see instructions, click More.

  3. Employee Master Maintenance:  Assign the Deduction Code to the employee in the Employee Master Scheduled Deductions Area.  To see instructions, click More.

  4. Employee Fringe Maintenance:  Assign the Fringe Number to the Employee.  To see instructions, click More.

  5. Auto Fringe Distribution Maintenance:  The Payroll Post uses this cross-reference to link Appropriations Account Numbers (expense accounts) to Department Numbers.  To see instructions, click More.

Directions for Confirming the Setup:

You can see the results of the setup in the following programs.

  1. Payroll Check Entry:  To see an example, click More.

  2. Employee Fringe Maintenance:  To see an example, click More.

  3. Invoice Transactions:  To see an example, click More.

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