Scheduling Window - Toolbar

Use the Toolbar in Scheduling to control the display of information within Scheduling and to perform certain scheduling functions.  The table following the window example describes the Toolbar for the Scheduling Window.

Also called:  Command Bar.

Tip:  To toggle the position of the Scheduling Toolbar between the top and the bottom of the Scheduling Window, press [CTRL + y].


To display the Scheduling Toolbar, open Scheduling.


Scheduling Window - Toolbar Example:


Scheduling Window - Toolbar Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.


  • To move the display in the Appointment Book Area one full pane to the left of the current pane displayed (similar to flipping the pages in a printed appointment book), click the Left Double-Arrow.
    Keyboard shortcut
    :  [CTRL + -] (Control Minus - Numeric Pad Minus Key)

  • To move the display one column to the left of the current display, click the Left Single-Arrow.
    Keyboard shortcut:  [-] (Numeric Pad Minus Key)

  • To move the display one pane to the right of the current pane displayed, click the Right Double-Arrow.
    Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + +] (Control Plus- Numeric Pad Plus Key)

  • To move the display one column to the right of the current display, click the Right Single-Arrow.
    Keyboard shortcut:  [+] (Numeric Pad Plus Key)

To specify how many columns to display in the current Appointment Book Area, click a choice in the drop-down list.

To schedule an appointment in the Appointment Scheduler Window:

  • Click to highlight the desired time slot and click Schedule.

  • Or use the keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + s]

  • Or, right-click the time slot to display the shortcut menu, and then click Schedule New.

  • Or, simply double-click the time slot.

To cancel an appointment in the Appointment Cancel Window:

  • Click to highlight the desired appointment time and click Cancel.

  • Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + c].

  • Or, right-click the time slot to display the shortcut menu, and then click Cancel Appointment.

To reschedule an appointment in the Reschedule Appointment Window:

  • Click to highlight the desired appointment time and click Reschedule.

  • Or user the keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + r]

  • Or, right-click the time slot to display the shortcut menu, and then click the following sequence:  Reschedule, Reschedule This.

To hide or display the Reschedule Appointments List Area, which is a list of appointments waiting to be rescheduled, click the Reschedule List button.

To hide or display the Recalls List Area, click the Recalls List button.

To highlight the next available time slot in the Appointment Book Area, click the Next Available button.

Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + n]

Tip:  Each time you click Next Available, the cursor moves to and highlights the time slot that is next available in the schedule.

To hide or display the Provider Status Inquiry Window, click the Provider Status Inquiry button.

To hide or display the Floating Appointment Detail Window, click the Floating Detail Window button.

Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + f]

To display or hide the Appointment Detail Area, click the Appointment Detail button.

Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + d]


Other Scheduling