Meter Communications Menu

The Meter Communications menu contains commands used to export meter information and import meter readings.  The Meter Communications menu allows you to export meter information prepared for a hand-held meter reading device, and later import readings from the hand-held device to Edifice and create customer billing transactions.  Based on the information maintained in specified control records, you will generate an export work file, print an export journal and export the file to a PC.  Similarly during the import phase, based on control records, you will import the meter reader's interface file and create transactions in a work file.  Next, you will print a meter import journal and lastly you will post the meter transactions to the Billing Transaction file.

The Meter Communications routines use file definitions to determine the file format of the export files and import files.  These definitions files are very similar to the C-FAM cdd files and allow you to easily modify the text file formats exported and imported.  The extensions of the export and import files are .exp and .imp respectively, and the control records specify which file definition to use during a given process.




To open the Meter Communications menu:

The table below describes the available options.

Meter Communications Menu Items

Create Export File

Builds a work file containing information for the meters to be read.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [m] [c]

Export Report

Prints the export work file journal.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [m] [r]

Export File

Exports the Meter Export file to a PC.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [m] [f]

Import Readings/Create Transactions

Imports the meter reading information and creates billing transactions from the imported meter readings.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [m] [i]

Import Journal

Prints a journal of the billing transactions generated.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [m] [j]

Import Post

Finalizes the meter reading import process by transferring the generated billing transactions to the Billing Transaction file.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [m] [p]

Import/Export Control Panel

Opens the Import/Export Fast Access Toolbar for easy access to the Meter Communications routines.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [m] [l]

Import/Export Work Group

Opens the Import/Export Work Group Fast Access Panel.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [b] [m] [w]