Create Payment Plan Wizard

Use the Create Customer Payment Plan Wizard to create payment plans for customers who have agreed to repay an outstanding dollar amount.  When a customer accepts a payment plan, the customer agrees to pay a specified dollar amount according to a predetermined schedule to pay off their outstanding amount.  Using this wizard, you can specify the plan details for a specific service or for all services that a customer has outstanding dollar amounts.  After a payment plan is created, you can use this screen to track the progress a customer is making with their plan.  

EDIFICE payment plans integrate with the past due and shut off routines, making it an easy option to stop sending notices to customers who are paying according to the agreement.  In addition, customers on a payment plan can be excluded from the Finance Charge Calculation routines if desired.




Go to Daily Work --> File Maintenance --> Wizards --> Customer --> Create Payment Plan.

Or from the Enhanced Inquiry, click View, click Payments and then click Create Payment Plan .

Create Payment Plan Wizard Example:


Create Payment Plan Prompts




The customer and location currently displayed in the inquiry displays in the Create Payment Plan wizard.


Select a service or choose All services.  If you select all services, the outstanding balances from all the customer's services will be included in the payment plan.  

Overpayment Type

To specify how an overpayment should be handled, click a choice in the drop-down list.

  • Apply to Next Payment - When the customer pays more than the agreed amount the customer's next plan payment $ will be less the overpayment amount from this time.

  • Apply to Balance Only - This requires the customer to honor the agreed upon plan payment $ amount next time regardless of any prior overpayment.


To specify the intervals that the customer will make payments, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Start Date

Enter the date the customer will start making payments for their payment plan. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)


Note:  The term and payment amount fields work together to determine the payment plan.  The customer's payment plan can be calculated based on their outstanding AR balance and the terms entered or you can enter a payment plan amount manually and the term will be calculated for you.

To select the number of payments as the terms for the payment plan, use the up and down arrows.  You can change the term to see how it changes the monthly payment.

Payment Amount

A calculated payment amount displays based on the term and the total plan amount to be paid.

Or, you can enter an agreed upon payment amount and the system will determine the number of payments as the term to cover the total dollar amount of the payment plan. (12.2 numeric)

Total Plan Amount

The customer's outstanding balance displays as the total plan amount, but can be changed. (12.2 numeric)


When creating a payment plan for the customer, the status is set to Active.  

Plan Statistics

As plan information is entered, the following information is updated:


  • Next Due Amount - the dollar amount of the next payment that is due

  • Total Paid - the accumulated dollar amount of payments made on the plan so far

  • Total Remaining - the total remaining dollar amount due for the payment plan

Plan Details Pane

After the plan term, frequency and start date are entered, the plan details display in the Details pane. Details include the plan status, due date for each payment, amount due, amount paid on the due amount, remaining balance, last payment date, and the user who created the plan.  You can edit the due date and amount due fields if needed.


To save the payment plan information, click Save.  The wizard window closes when the save is complete.  Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

Or, to cancel the information that was entered, click Cancel.

To discontinue the displayed payment plan, click Discontinue.  Discontinued plans can be displayed in the Payments view if the Only show active Plans option is not checked.

To open the Payments view where all payments and payment plan history for the customer can be viewed, click All Payments/Plans.  

To close the wizard without validating or saving the data, click Close.