Fringe Distribution Post Instructions
Use the Fringe Distribution Post routine to generate the data for the Vendor Invoices and Checks system from the fringe distributions. Fringes are automatically distributed by the Payroll Post and the Retirement Fringe Post. Or, you can manually distribute fringes using Employee Fringe Maintenance.
For additional information, click More.
Run the Fringe Distribution Edit Listbefore running the Fringe Distribution Post.
For more information, see the following topics:
For more information about running reports, see Print View.
The report is available in the following formats:
132-Column Page Width: Set during System Parameters at the Print tab.
If there
are employees with Department Numbers
missing from the Auto
Fringe Distribution cross-reference, the Payroll Post loads Department Number
99999999, which prints on the Fringe
Distribution Edit List. You
must correct all 99999999 Department Numbers in Employee
Fringe Maintenance before running the Fringe
Distribution Post. Then
to prevent future problems, you should correct Auto
Fringe Distribution Maintenance before the next payroll run, if applicable.
To see directions for...
Opening the Fringe Distribution routine, click More.
Click Payroll from the Menu Bar.
Click Other Payroll Work.
Click Fringe Distribution.
Click Fringe Distribution Post.
Tip: Or, use the keyboard shortcut: [ALT] [p] [o] [f] [p].
Fringe Distribution Post Window Example:
Choosing the selections at the prompt window, click More.
Fringe Distribution Post Prompt Options Tip: To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name. | |
Enter the Vendor Due Date to be used for the transactions generated for the Vendor Invoices and Checks feature. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional) | |
Enter the Scheduled Period Number. (1 through 6) | |
Printer |
Displays the default printer number. For more information, see Printing Options. |
To run the routine and generate the report, click Proceed, or press [ENTER]. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT + p] |
To escape from the routine:
Report Sample(s), click More.