The Positive Pay Export menu contains commands used to generate data to be transmitted to your bank or financial institution for the prevention of fraud. Positive pay is an automated fraud detection tool offered by many financial institutions. In its simplest form, it is a service that matches the account number, check number and dollar amount of each check presented for payment against a list of checks authorized and issued by your organization. All 3 components of the check must match or it will not be paid.
The Payroll Positive pay export module is used to create an export file containing payroll check information that you will send to the bank each time payroll checks are written. This file contains the check number, employee name, account number, issue date and dollar amount. When the issued checks are presented for payment at the bank, they are compared against the information in the export file. If there is a match in the file, then the item is paid. When a check is presented that does not have a match, it becomes an exception item and is not paid.
The payroll positive pay routines should be run as part of the payroll process after payroll checks are generated, but before the Payroll Post is run.
Positive Pay Steps:
Perform check maintenance to add manual payroll checks or to void a check, if needed
Print the export journal to verify the contents of the export file
Export the file to a designated location
Send the export file to the financial institution using their instructions
This option appears on the Daily Work menu only if the appropriate Company Control Option is set. There is other setup required as well. Please contact NDS Support for assistance.
To open
the Positive Pay Export menu, click Payroll
from the Menu and next
click Daily Work; then click
Positive Pay Export.
Keyboard shortcut: [ALT]
[p] [d] [x]
The table below describes the available options.
Positive Pay Export Menu Items |
Creates the Positive Pay Work File Build. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT] [p] [d] [x] [b] |
Opens the Positive Pay Check Maintenance program where checks can be marked as voided or manual checks can be added. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT] [p] [d] [x] [m] |
Prints the Positive Pay Export Journal report. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT] [p] [d] [x] [j] |
Exports the Positive Pay file to a designated location. Keyboard shortcut: [ALT] [p] [d] [x] [x] |