Call Center - Call Entry Wizards Panel

This topic last opened by author on May 13, 2010 at 12:53 PM.

Use the Call Entry Wizards Panel Control menu to open a control menu of wizards for data entry.  Similarly to the Windows™ Explorer, you can collapse and expand a level within the menu using the plus (+) and minus (–) buttons.  The table following the window example describes the Wizards Panel for Call Center - Call Entry.

Tip:  For general information about Wizards, see the Wizard - Introduction.


To open the Call Entry Wizards Panel Control menu, click Call Center on the Edifice Toolbar.


Wizards Panel Control Menu Example:


Wizards Control Panel Menu Items


Tip:  To show the Create portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Plus .
Or, to hide the Create portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Minus .


Create customer information.


Create location information.


Tip:  To show the Edit portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Plus .
Or, to hide the Edit portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Minus .

Customer Demographics

Maintain customer name and address information.

Customer Service

Maintain customer service connection information.

Customer Note

Note:  WebHelp for this topic is not available.

Customer User Definable Fields

Maintain customer information for the user-definable fields.

Billing Information

Maintain billing information for the customer.

Location Information

Maintain location information.

Final Customer

Maintain billing and consumption information for generating a final bill and for assigning a new customer to the service connection.

Service Management

Tip:  To show the Service Management portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Plus .
Or, to hide the Service Management portion of the Wizards Control menu, click Minus .

Work Order

Create work orders for the customer calls.