Field Description - Customer History Transaction Date

This topic last opened by author on January 16, 2014 at 10:15 AM.

The Customer History Transaction Date is the date the transaction was posted to the customer's account.  The Post Date specified during the various Edifice posting routines is assigned as the Customer History Transaction Date for the customer history transaction.

Where-Maintained:  Billing Post, Cash Receipts Post, Past Due Post, Liens Post, Finance Charge Post

Where-Used:  History Inquiry, Transaction Summary Panel of the Customer Inquiry

Format:  Date (mmddccyy).  Slashes and century are optional.

Date Shortcuts

D, W,

M, or Y

Enters today's date.


Adds x days to today.


Adds x weeks to today.


Adds x months to today.


Adds x years to today.

Example:  To enter a date five years in the future, type 5Y.