Re-Registration - Excise Tax Only Wizard
Use the Re-Registration - Excise Tax Only Wizard to process and collect the money for the excise tax portion of a vehicle re-registration, but you do not validate the registration. This is often referred to as excise tax receipt transactions. You can re-register a vehicle that has been registered before in the same owner name in the State of Maine. This wizard takes you step-by-step through all the information that is needed for the re-registration including entering the current mileage and the verifying the excise fees associated with the registration. During the final step after all required information is entered and verified, the incomplete vehicle registration form prints.
The steps for a re-registration - excise tax only transaction are the same as for a regular re-registration except that you will not enter the month and year sticker numbers and you are only allowed to maintain the excise tax amount during the Registration Fee Information Step.
You can use this wizard to re-register a vehicle that has been registered before even if the vehicle is new to the municipality and not currently in your system.
For re-registration - excise tax only transactions, the following items will not print on the MVR-3 form:
No agent fees
No month or year sticker numbers
The registrant will need the following items to complete a re-registration:
Proof of Insurance
For a sample of a printed vehicle registration form, see Vehicle Registration Form Sample.
For general information about using wizards, see the Wizard - Introduction.
To see directions for...
Opening the Re-Registration - Excise Tax Only Wizard, click More.
Creating a Re-Registration - Excise Tax Only Transaction, click More.
Editing an Existing Vehicle Registration, click More.
Deleting an Existing Vehicle Registration, click More.
Understanding the field values for the following panels, click the panel name in the table below:
Field Details by Panel |
The upper left panel lists each step that you can maintain. Each step corresponds to a specific group of fields displayed in the Data Entry Panel. |
The lower left panel provides tips and notes for entering the data. |
The center panel displays the fields for you to maintain and contains different fields for each step.
Steps: 2. Enter Transfer Information Step, if applicable 3. Enter Vehicle Identification Step 4. Enter Vehicle Information Step 5. Enter Owner/Legal Residence Information Step 6. Enter Secondary/Tertiary Owner Information Step 7. Enter the Registration Information Step 8. Enter the Registration Fee Step |
The right panel displays the data you have entered so far for each step. |