Quick Bar: Overview---Demographics---Insurance---Credit_Messages---Balance_Detail---Workers'_Compensation---Patient_Specifics---Referral_Authorization---Recall_Logging---Appointments_List

Patient Entry - Patient Specifics Window

Use the Patient Specifics Window to enter text into optional user-defined fields for the patient.  You can globally define the fields that appear in the window using Patient User-Defined Alpha Field Maintenance and Patient User-Defined Numeric Field Maintenance.  The table following the window example describes the Patient Specifics Window for Patient Entry.


To open the Patient Specifics Window:

  1. Enter the Account Number.

  2. Click Specifics in the Menu Tree.

Tip:  For details about loading patients and opening windows, refer to the Patient Reference Panel topic.


Patient Specifics Window Example:

Note:  Because fields are user defined, you field names may vary from the example.


Patient Entry - Patient Specifics Window Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Alpha and Numeric Fields

Enter the data for the fields in the list.  Fields can be alpha, numeric, dates, Y/N, phone numbers, Zip Codes, or currency.


  • To define fields, use Patient User-Defined Alpha Field Maintenance and Patient User-Defined Numeric Field Maintenance.

  • If there are many user-defined fields, you can use the scroll bar on the right to display fields that don't fit in the window.

To update the new or changed information, click Save or press [ENTER].


To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.

Other Patient Entry