Budgeting Procedure

Follow the steps outlined below to prepare and process your budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

Note:  Because the fields Department Requested and Manager Requested are user-defined, the field names in the software may not match the documentation.  You can globally change the field names by updating the Budget Request Table.

1.  Check Report Headings
The first step is to update the appropriate years for the column headings on the Budget Reports.  Use BGT-HDR Table Maintenance to edit the budget report tables as needed:  BGT-HDR and BGT-HD2.


2.  Perform Budget Update Clear
This step creates new Budget Masters and updates existing Budget Masters from the corresponding Appropriation Master accounts.  Generally, this is the second step in the budgeting process.

3.  Print Budget Reports
At this point in the budgeting process you should print the Worksheet format of the Budget Report.  This format lists blank columns rather than zeros so that the various department heads can enter amounts and/or notes pertaining the budget requests.

4.  Perform Budget Maintenance
This step allows you to update any budget amounts at any time during the budgeting process.  You can use Budget Maintenance to enter Department Requested amounts, Manager Requested amounts and/or Approved amounts.
 You can also create new accounts during Budget Maintenance.  If you do create new accounts, you must also create the new account during Appropriation Master Maintenance before you run the Update Appropriation Masters routine.

5.  Perform Update Current Year Expended
This step updates the budget master Current Year Expended amount with the latest appropriation master account Current Year Expended Paid amount.  Depending on how long your budget process takes, you may need to run this routine to make sure you have the latest figures for the budgeting process.  
You can run this routine as often as you need.

6.  Reprint Budget Reports
In this step, you can reprint the Budget Report using the Report Format in order to review the potential budget figures.

 Important:  If the budget figures you have entered for the budget masters are the amounts you want to update to the Appropriation master accounts, you may be ready to commit your budget figures.  If you are ready to commit your budget figures, skip to step 9.  If you have only entered budget figures requested by the different departments and you still need to have the amounts approved, continue to step 7.

7.  Perform Move Requested Amount
This step transfers the department requested amounts to the Manager Requested amounts for each budget master.  When this routine is complete, you can make changes to the budget Manager Requested fields as needed by using Budget Maintenance.

8.  Move Requested To Approved
This step transfers the Manager Requested amount to the Approved field for each of the Budget Masters and leaves a copy of the amount in the Manager Requested field.  When this routine is complete, you can make changes to the Approved amounts as needed by using Budget Maintenance.

9.  Update Appropriation Masters
When you have finished editing and have approved all budget figures, you are ready to commit your budget.  This step transfers the Budget Master Approved, Manager Requested, or Department Requested amounts to the Appropriation field for the corresponding Appropriation Master account.
 Make a complete backup before starting this routine.  Only run this routine once, after you have finalized your budget.