Menu Keyboard Shortcuts |
Shortcut |
Function Performed |
[ALT] [f] |
[ALT] [f] [n] |
New record |
[ALT] [f] [d] |
Delete record |
[ALT] [f] [s] |
Save record |
[ALT] [f] [r] |
Search records |
[ALT] [f] [c] |
[ALT] [f] [o] |
[ALT] [f] [e] |
[ALT] [f] [x] |
Exit module |
[ALT] [v] |
Author: fill in keyboard shortcuts for the module-specific View Menu. |
Author: fill in keyboard shortcuts for other module-specific menus. |
[ALT] [i] |
Note: not active in all modules |
[ALT] [i] [b] |
Note: not active in all modules |
[ALT] [i] [f] |
Note: not active in all modules |
[ALT] [i] [r] |
Note: not active in all modules |
[ALT] [u] |
[ALT] [w] |
[ALT] [w] [l] |
[ALT] [w] [p] |
[ALT] [w] [c] |
[ALT] [w] [v] |
Tile Vertically (arrange windows in vertical columns) |
[ALT] [w] [h] |
Tile Horizontally (arrange windows in horizontal rows) |
[ALT] [h] |
[ALT] [h] [m] |
Web Manual (Web Help) Author: This shortcut not the same letter in all modules. |
[ALT] [h] [e] |
Email: Send email to any address. Author: This option not available in all modules. |
[ALT] [h] [n] |
NDS Email: General Web site to contact NDS personnel. Author: This option not available in all modules. |
[ALT] [h] [a] |
About the Software |
[ALT] [b] |
[ALT] [b] [n] |
Other Keyboard Shortcuts Author: Test these shortcuts for the specific module. Include any other module-specific keyboard shortcuts not listed here. |
Shortcut |
Function Performed |
[ALT + a] |
Adds a transaction to the list of transactions in a transaction-based window. |
[ALT +c] |
Cancels within an entry window or cancels a dialog window. Example:
[ALT + d] |
Deletes highlighted transactions. |
[ALT + n] |
Create a new record within the active transaction window. Note: Clears the current transaction, if incomplete. |
[ALT + o] |
Commits a list of transactions within the current transaction entry windows. |
[ALT + p] |
Activates the Print operation. Example:
[ALT + r] |
Searches data for the active window. Example:
[ALT + s] |
Saves data for the active window. Example:
[ALT + t] |
Retrieves a record for the active window. Example:
Author: The Retrieve button image an shortcut are not the same in all modules. |
[CTRL + f] |
Searches data for a
field marked with a magnifying glass |
[CTRL + o] |
Opens the Fast Access File Maintenance window
for a code field with a star |
[CTRL + x] |
Clears a record. |
[CTRL + F4] |
Closes a launched window. Notes:
[CTRL + w] |
Closes the Internet Explorer Help window. Tip: The Close keyboard shortcut for other browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Mozilla Foxfire, may vary. |
[ESC] |
Escape closes a window. Note: [ESC] may not function for all windows. |
[F1] |
Launches Web Help. Note: For directions about setting up [F1], refer to Programmable Function Keys. |
[F2] |
Displays Cue Cards. Note: For directions about setting up [F1], refer to Programmable Function Keys. |
Scheduling Appointment Book Area Keyboard Shortcuts |
Shortcut |
Function Performed |
- (Minus) |
Shifts the display to show one previous column. Tip:
Same as
clicking the Left Single Arrow
+ (Plus) |
Shifts the display to show the next column. Tip:
Same as
clicking the Right Single Arrow
[CTRL + -] (Control Minus) |
Displays the previous full pane of columns. Tip:
Same as
clicking the Left Double Arrow
[CTRL + +] (Control Plus) |
Displays the next full pane of columns. Tip:
Same as
clicking the Right Double Arrow
[CTRL + #] (Control Number - top row) |
Highlights the first Time Slot in the specified column, where # is the number of the column.
[CTRL + #] (Control Number - numeric pad) |
Changes the number of columns displayed, where # is the number of columns.
[CTRL + c] |
Displays the Appointment Cancel Window for the highlighted Time Slot. Tip:
Same as
clicking Cancel |
[CTRL + d] |
Toggles the display of the Appointment Detail Area. Tip:
Same as
clicking Detail |
[CTRL + f] |
Toggles the display of the Floating Appointment Detail Window. Tip:
Same as
clicking Floating Appointment Detail
[CTRL + i] |
Toggles the display of the Appointment Status icons. Directions:
[CTRL + j] |
Displays the classic version of the New Patient Appointment Search. Tip:
To display
the more robust semantic version of the New Patient Search, click New Patient Search |
[CTRL + n] |
Jump focus to the next available Time Slot. Tips:
[CTRL + q] |
Resets all cached data and clears the memory so that subsequent schedule views reload directly from the database. Generally used before [CTRL + i] or when directed by NDS Technical Support. TS NOTE: This may be helpful if the Appointment Book does not appear synchronized with other users. |
[CTRL + r] |
Displays the Reschedule Appointment Window for the highlighted Time Slot. Tip:
Same as
clicking Reschedule |
[CTRL +s] |
Displays the Appointment Scheduler Window for the highlighted Time Slot. Tip:
Same as
clicking Schedule |
[CTRL + u] |
Toggle the position of the Detail Panel between the top and the bottom of the Data Panel. |
[CTRL +w] |
Displays the Patient Appointments Window. Tip:
Same as
clicking Patient Appointments |
[CTRL + x] |
Refreshes the schedule, which makes the most recent information display. |
[CTRL + y] |
Toggle the position of the Scheduling Toolbar between the top and the bottom of the Data Panel. |
[CTRL + z] |
Displays the Zoom View Window for adjusting the font size. |
Each user can program the function keys ([F1] through [F12]) to perform commands according to their personal needs.
For more information, refer to the System Parameters section on Function Keys.
Note: Function key programming is not available in some module releases.
Keyboard Shortcuts Chart
This topic last opened by author on December 18, 2012 at 2:27 PM.
This topic is incomplete. Added Appointment Book Area 10/6/2005.
This topic describes the commonly used keyboard shortcuts.
To see...
Menu keyboard shortcuts, click More.
Other keyboard shortcuts, click More.
Scheduling Appointment Book Area keyboard shortcuts, click More.
Information about function key shortcuts, click More.