Fixed Assets Maintenance Menu

The Fixed Assets Maintenance menu contains commands used to maintain codes and settings used by the Fixed Assets module.

Note:  For more information about the fixed assets process, see Fixed Assets Overview.




Fixed Assets Maintenance Menu Items

Fixed Assets Maintenance

Maintain assets that are purchased by your organization.


Maintain activity descriptions used during Fixed Assets Maintenance.


Maintain class descriptions used during Fixed Asset Maintenance.

Cost Method

Maintain cost method descriptions used during Fixed Asset Maintenance.


Maintain department descriptions used during Fixed Asset Maintenance.

Depreciation Method

Maintain information on depreciation methods used by your organization.

Disposition Method

Maintain disposition methods descriptions used by your organization.


Maintain function descriptions used during Fixed Asset Maintenance.

Fund Source

Maintain fund sources descriptions used during Fixed Asset Maintenance.


Maintain location descriptions used during Fixed Asset Maintenance.


Maintain manufacturer descriptions used during Fixed Asset Maintenance.


Maintain vendor descriptions used during Fixed Asset Maintenance.

Initial Asset Depreciation

Brings assets up-to-date with the assets' previously manually accrued depreciation.

Alpha Field Definitions

Maintain field labels and formatting for optional user-defined alpha fields used in Fixed Assets Maintenance.

Numeric Field Definitions

Maintains the labels and formatting for optional user-defined numeric fields used in Fixed Assets Maintenance.