Call Center - Call Entry

Use the Call Center - Call Entry to maintain customer calls for service.  In addition, there are several wizards that allow you to maintain customer and location information, as well as, create work orders pertaining to the customer calls.  Once you have entered the customer calls and run the Call Center Post routine, you can view all of the closed calls for a customer during the Customer Calls Panel of the Customer Inquiry.



Field Details by Section

Clerk Entry Panel

Contains the fields to identify the clerk for entering the customer calls.

Call Entry Transaction Details Panel

Contains the fields to enter the detail of the customer calls.

Call Entry Toolbar

Contains the buttons to perform certain Call Center functions.

Calls List Panel

Displays two lists of customer calls in the Call List Panel.

Tip:  The Call Lists include:

  • The calls entered by the current Clerk.

  • All open customer calls.

Call Entry Wizards Panel

Contains the commands to open several wizards for data entry.

Other File Maintenance