Enhanced Inquiry - Customer View

Use the Customer View to view and manage demographic information for customers.  This includes customer name and mailing address, contact information, customer user-definable fields, notes, messages, ACH information and online access information.  

Note:  Owner and Tenant icons display on the Inquiry banner to indicate if the customer has an owner and a tenant.  If you are viewing owner information, you can click Tenant to quickly load the customer information for the tenant in the view.  And, click Owner to switch to viewing the owner information.



From the EDIFICE Inquiry, click View and then click Customer.  

EDIFICE Inquiry - Customer View Example:


EDIFICE Inquiry - Customer View Prompts

Note:  Each section of the view can be expanded or collapsed to suit your needs.  To collapse a section, click Collapse .  To expand a collapsed section, click Expand .

Customer Tools

There are several tools you can use for maintaining customer information.  


Customer Tools explanation:

  • - To add a new customer, click Add New Customer and the Create Customer wizard opens for entering the customer information.

  • - To generate a letter for the customer, click Letter.  After clicking Letter the letter starts to generate.
    Tip:  A letter job must be set up in order for the letter to generate.

  • - To view all alerts and messages for the customer, click Alerts.  Alerts and messages provide important information about the customer.  To close the window, press [Enter] or [Esc].

  • - To add or change an additional address, click Additional Addresses.  The Customer Additional Addresses Maintenance opens where you can add another address for which to send customer correspondence.
    Note:  If the customer has additional addresses, the number of addresses displays to alert you.

  • - To edit the customer's online access information, click Edit Online Access and the Edit Customer Online Access Information wizard opens for editing.

  • - To remove the customer for this account, click Remove and the Remove Customer wizard opens.

Customer Information

This area shows the customer name and address.  This information can be edited.



Customer Information

For details on maintaining this information, see Create Customer Wizard.

  • Customer ID - Displays the customer ID and a second account if associated with the customer

  • First Name/MI - First name and middle initial for customer

  • Last/Business - Last name or the complete name for a business name

  • C/O First Name/MI - The care of name associated with the account if there is one.  The care of name can be globally turned off if it's not used.  For more information, contact NDS Support at 800-649-7754.

  • Mailing Address - Customer mailing address

  • City - City portion of the customer's mailing address

  • State/Zip/Delivery Point - State and Zip code for customer's mailing address

  • Customer Note - Informational short note pertaining to the customer.  This note can be turned off, if desired.  For more information, see Customer Notes.

Contact Information

When you create a customer using the Add New / Create Customer wizard, you can enter up to three customer phone number and an email address that will show in this area and you can maintain unlimited additional contacts here.  Contacts can either be for the customer or the location associated with the customer. Notes can be included.  The topmost contact is considered the primary or preferred contact and is noted with a yellow star, but you can assign a different contact as the primary contact if you want.

Each contact is assigned a contact type.  A type can be phone, email or other and is visually identified with an icon.  You can also maintain a description for each type to suit your purposes.

There are contact reports available in Executive Reporting.


Contact Information

Unlimited contact information for the customer and the location can be added and edited here.  It's important to note that a location contact is only associated with the location.

To add additional contacts to an account:

  • Click Add Contacts .

  • The following screen displays for setting up the contact.


  • Account - Specify whether the contact is for the customer or the location.  Customer is selected, but you can choose location by clicking that choice.

  • Type - Click the drop-down list to select the type of contact.  Or, to add a new type of contact click Edit .  For directions, see Contact Type Maintenance.

  • Contact - You can enter either a phone number or an email address.

  • Phone Numbers - Enter the customer primary contact phone numbers, with the 3-digit area code and the 7-digit telephone number.  You can enter as many contact phone numbers for the customer as you want.

  • Email Addresses - Enter the customer's e-mail addresses, if applicable. (up to 100 characters)

  • Note - Enter an optional note related to the contact information if you want.  A notepad icon displays to alert you if a note is entered.

  • To complete the contact, click OK.

  • To save your entries, click Save at the top of the inquiry.

  • To edit a contact, click the desired contact box and the edit tools display on the right.  

  • To change the priority of the contact, use the up /  down arrows.

  • To edit a note about a contact, click the line and the note field displays where you can edit or enter the note.  

  • To remove a contact click the desired line and click Trash

Additional fields in the contact area:

  • Driver's License - Enter the customer's driver's license number, if applicable. (up to 20 characters)

  • Social Security Number - Enter the customer's social security number, if desired. (up to 11 characters)

  • Contact Notes - Enter up to 2 lines of notes pertaining to the customer, if applicable. (up to 50 characters).  For more information, see Customer Notes.

  • Courtesy Statement - To indicate that courtesy statements are allowed, click to check the box.  If courtesy statements are not allowed, leave the box blank.

Customer User Definable Information

In this area you can view and maintain information specific to your organization.  Because these fields are custom to your organization, the fields in the documentation may not match the fields on your screen.  Alpha user definable fields will have drop-down lists from which you can choose an entry or you can enter an entry that is not listed.  Adding an entry will make it available for the next time.


Customer Notes

Use the customer notes section to add extended notes about the customer.  These notes only display in this area.  For more information, see Customer Notes.


Notes Tools

The following tools are available:

  • Enter / Edit Notes - Click in the notes area and begin typing.  When finished, save your work.

  • Large Editor - To expand the notes window for easier viewing click Large Editor.  The notes area becomes an enlarged window.

  • Copy to Clipboard - Easily copy a large block of text to another location by highlighting the desired text and then clicking Copy to Clipboard.

  • Paste from Clipboard - Easily paste a block of text from another source to the notes by clicking Paste from Clipboard.

  • Refresh - Re-displays the notes from the last time they were saved and clears all changes made since last save.

  • Clear - Removes all notes currently displayed.  After clicking Clear, the following prompt displays:

Customer Messages

This area shows messages attached to the account.  Up to 3 user-defined message codes can be assigned to the account.  The messages will display in certain places and can be included on several types of statements and notices for the customer.  To select a defined message, click a choice in the drop-down list.



Customer ACH and Online Access Information

Use this area to view customer ACH and online access information.



ACH Setup

Use this area to view and maintain the ACH information for customers who wish to make automatic ACH payments for their utility bills. 

  • Account - Enter the customer's account number that will be used for processing ACH payments.

  • Status - Select the status that indicates the phase of the ACH process the account is in

  • Bank - Select the bank the customer uses for their ACH payments.  To edit or add a bank, click Edit .

Online Access

Use this area to view the online access information for the customer.  This information is maintained using the Customer Web Information wizard.

  • Active - If checked, the customer's data is allowed to be downloaded and used on the Internet.

  • Login - Displays the password the customer uses when logging on to the website link listed below.

  • Effective Date - Displays the date that the customer's login was accepted.

  • Link - Displays the HTTP address for the website the customer can access.