Trailer Inventory Maintenance

Use Trailer Inventory Maintenance to maintain trailer inventory information.  A trailer is used with certain types of meters that have multiple readings and require additional information for creating billing charges.  You can use a trailer to maintain additional readings required for demand, multiple/off-peak, and compound meters or to maintain the dial count for the applicable trailers.  You will attach the trailer to a meter during the Create Service Connection Wizard Step 2 Window by entering a meter ID in the parent connection ID field.  The billing type ID which determines whether the trailer will be tracking and billing demand readings, multiple/off-peak readings, or compound readings, is set during the Create Service Connection Wizard Step 2 Window, as well.

In addition, the trailer's usage and reading history, as well as, the trailer's year-to-date total and last year's total for usage and charges can be viewed here.

Tip:  For more information about working with data in fields, see Data Entry Guidelines.


To start:

1.  Click Daily Work from the menu.

2.  Click File Maintenance.

3.  Click Code Maintenance.

4.  Click Trailer File Maintenance.

5.  Click Trailer Inventory Maintenance.

Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [y] [m] [c] [t] [i].


Trailer Inventory Maintenance Window Example:


To create a trailer, enter the new Trailer ID and press [ENTER] or click Retrieve .
Keyboard shortcut
:  [ALT + t]

The Trailer Wizard displays.  For general information about the Wizard menu, window layout and navigation, see the Wizard - Introduction.



Trailer Inventory Wizard Prompts


  • There are four major areas of the Wizard window:

  • Steps Panel (left pane):  Lists each area that you can maintain.

  • Narrative Panel (left pane):  Provides tips and notes for entering the data.

  • Data Entry Panel (center pane):  Displays the fields for you to maintain.

  • Inquiry Panel (right pane):  Displays the data you have entered for each step.

  • For additional information about using the Wizard, see...

  • Wizard - Control Menu:  Describes how to use the Wizard menu.

  • Wizard - Navigation:  Describes how to move around within a Wizard and how to exit the Wizard.

To confirm the trailer ID, click Next and the next window of the Trailer Wizard displays.

Primary Service Code

To select the primary service code for the trailer, click a choice in the drop-down list. (2.0 numeric)


Enter the present reading for the trailer, if applicable. (10.0 numeric)

To update the new or changed information, click Finish or press [ENTER].  Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]



To avoid losing data, you must click Finish.

Trailer Inventory Maintenance Prompts

After you click Finish, the Trailer Wizard closes and the Trailer Inventory Maintenance window displays for entry of the remaining fields.

Trailer ID

Enter the identification for the trailer and click Retrieve , or press [ENTER].  (up to 18 characters)

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + t].


To view all of the trailers, click Search .  From the Search list you can select the trailer to change or delete.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + r]

To update the new or changed information, click Save or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]


To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.

Meter ID

Displays the meter ID associated with the trailer, if a meter has been assigned. (up to 10 characters)

Note:  You are not allowed to enter a Meter ID when you create the trailer.  You can later assign a meter to the trailer during the Create Service Connection Wizard Step 2 Window.

Billing Type ID

Displays the Billing Type ID which determines if the trailer will be tracking and billing demand readings, multiple/off-peak readings, or compound readings, if applicable.

Note:  You are not allowed to enter the Billing Type ID when you create the trailer.  You can later specify the Billing Type ID for the trailer during the Create Service Connection Wizard Step 2 Window.

Dial Count

Enter the number of dials associated with the trailer, if applicable. (2.0 numeric)

Note:  This field is used during the Export phase of the Meter Communications routines.

Radio MIU Number

Enter the radio MIU number for the meter, if applicable. (up to 20 characters)

Note:  This field is used during the export phase of the Meter Communications routines.


Enter the description for this trailer. (up to 45 characters)

State Code

Enter the user-defined state code to assign to the trailer, if applicable. (up to 5 characters)


Enter an optional device type ID that describes the type of trailer, if applicable.  If a device type is assigned, the device type description will replace the generic text of Trailer wherever the trailer is displayed.  For more information, see Device Descriptions.


  • To search for a device type ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a device type ID, click Fast Access Maintenance or press [CTRL + o].

Service Inquiry Area


The following fields are display-only and can not be edited.

Because a trailer can be assigned multiple services, one detail line displays for each service assigned to the trailer.

Service Code

Displays the Service Code associated with the trailer's reading and usage information. (2.0 numeric)


Displays the amount of the last reading for the trailer. (10.0 numeric)

Note:  This field is used during the Export phase of the Meter Communications routines.


Displays the date of the last reading. (mmddccyy, slashes and century optional).


Displays the usage amount as determined  from the last reading. (10.0 numeric)

Note:  This field is used during the Export phase of the Meter Communications routines.

YTD Usage

Displays the amount of service the trailer has used so far this year. (10.0 numeric)

YTD Charges

Displays the A/R dollar amount of service for the trailer so far this year. (7.2 numeric)

LY Usage

Displays the total amount of usage for the trailer for last year, if applicable. (10.0 numeric)

LY Charges

Displays the A/R dollar amount of service for the trailer for last year, if applicable. (7.2 numeric)

Editing a Trailer


CAUTION:  To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.

1.  Enter the Trailer ID and press [ENTER] or click Retrieve .
Keyboard shortcut
:  [ALT + t]

:  If you do not know the trailer ID, you can click Search  to see a list of trailers.

2.  Position the pointer to the information that you want to change.

3.  Enter the data changes.

4.  To complete the edit process, click Save , or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]


Deleting a Trailer

1.  Enter the Trailer ID and press [ENTER] or click Retrieve .
Keyboard shortcut
:  [ALT + t]
:  If you do not know the trailer ID, you can click Search  to see a list of trailers.

2.  Click File from the menu, and next click Delete.
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [f] [d]

3.  At the Delete prompt, click Proceed to delete the trailer, or click Cancel to escape from the delete routine.


 After you click Proceed, you will see the following message on the status bar.



Other Codes