Quick Bar: Overviews (More)---Patient---SSN_Validation---Choose_Appointment---Demographics---Contacts---Info---Comments---Diagnosis---Workers'_Comp---Workers' Comp_User-Defns---Remarks---Referral/Phys---Guarantor---Employer---Insurances---Remove_Images---Add_Images---Print_Forms

Patient Wizards - Guarantor Area

Use the Guarantor Area to maintain information about who is financially responsible for the patient's account.  The guarantor is the person responsible for the patient's account, is usually the holder of the insurance policy, and receives the private statements.  For example, a parent is often the guarantor for a minor child.  In INSight a guarantor must have a patient record, even if not actually a patient of the practice.  The table following the window example describes the Guarantor Area for the Patient Wizards.



To display the Data Entry Area for the Guarantor step:

  1. Follow the opening instructions for the appropriate Patient Wizard.

  2. Check-In New Patient Wizard

  3. Check-In Patient Wizard

  4. Patient Wizard

  5. New Patient Wizard

  6. Patient Policy Holder Wizard

  7. Register Patient Wizard

  8. Register New Patient Wizard

  1. Navigate to the Guarantor step.


Patient Wizards - Guarantor Area Example


Patient Wizards - Guarantor Area Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for that field name.

#/Last Name

Displays the patient's last name as the default guarantor of the account. (up to 20 characters)

Entry options:

  • If the patient is the guarantor, press [TAB] to accept.

  • Or, to specify a different guarantor, enter the Account Number, or enter the Last Name.
     For family billing, enter the family guarantor's Account Number.

  • Or, to specify the Employer as the guarantor, enter E.
    If the employer is assigned as the guarantor, you need to enter the patient employer information.

  • Or, to specify the guarantor has the same last name but different first name from the patient, press [TAB] to the First Name field.

  • Or, to search for the guarantor's Account Number, click Search within the Guarantor Area.

To view all of the existing patient records, click Search.  From the Search list you can select the record to load into the Guarantor Area.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + r]

To open the Patient Guarantor Wizard, click the Wizard icon.


  • Use the Guarantor Wizard to add, verify and edit guarantor demographic and insurance information.

  • The Guarantor Wizard icon is not available if the guarantor is the (E)mployer.

First Name, I.

Displays the default patient First Name or the First Name of the guarantor's account.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter a First Name. (up to 18 characters)


  • If you entered a Last Name above instead of an Account Number, you can enter the guarantor's First Name here.

  • If you enter a First Name and did not change the Last Name field, the system assumes the guarantor has the same Last Name as the patient, such as in the case of a spouse or dependent.


Defaults to 01 for (SELF).  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another predefined Relationship ID. (up to 4 characters, defined during Relationship Maintenance)

To display the previous step, click Back.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + b]

To display the next step, click Next or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]

To validate and save the data for all of the Wizard steps, click Finish.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

To close the Wizard without validating or saving the data, click Close.

Other Patient Wizard Steps