Preferences - User Scheduling Preferences Area

Use the User Scheduling Preferences Area to set parameters for Scheduling such as the Appointment Book appearance the action of the Floating Appointment Detail Window.  The table following the window example describes the User Scheduling Preferences Area for Preferences.

Tip:  For more information about working with data in fields, see Data Entry Guidelines.


To display the User Scheduling Preferences Area:

  1. Open Preferences.

  2. Click the User Scheduling Preferences tab.


Preferences - User Scheduling Preferences Area Example:


Preferences - User Scheduling Preferences Area Prompts

Floating Appointment Panel

The Floating Appointment Detail Window (sometimes called a panel) helps you pinpoint where your cursor is located within the Scheduling Appointment Book Area.  To specify if you want to automatically display the Floating Appointment Detail Window, select one of the following options in the drop-down list:

  • Y(es) - Displays the Floating Appointment Detail Window for the appointment containing the cursor.

  • N(o) - Hides the Floating Appointment Detail Window.
    :  Even if you specify N(o), you can still manually open the Floating Appointment Detail Window by clicking Floating Detail Window on the Scheduling Toolbar.

Time Format

Specify if you want the appointment time displayed as 24 hour military time or with a.m. and p.m.

Note:  You must always enter time as 24 hour military time, regardless of how it is displayed.  For example, enter 01:00 p.m. as 13:00.

Entry Options:

  • 10:20 - Do not display 24 hour military time.
    :  In this case, you can also choose how you want the letters to appear for a.m. and p.m.

  • 22:21 - Display 24 hour military time.

Appointment Detail Box

Specify whether to automatically display the Detail Panel in the Appointment Book when you open Scheduling.  The Detail Panel can contain either the Provider Area, Appointment Detail Area, Recalls List Area, or Reschedule Appointments List Area.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es) - Display the contents of the Detail Panel when you open Scheduling.
    :  This option reduces the size of the Appointment Book Area.

  • N(o) - Do not display the Detail Panel when you open Scheduling.
    :  You can still manually display the contents of the Detail Panel by clicking one of the following buttons on the Scheduling Toolbar:  Reschedule List , Recalls List , or Appointment Detail .

Pat Appts Auto-Popup

To specify if you want to automatically display the Patient Appointments Window, select one of the following options in the drop-down list:

  • Y(es) - The Patient Appointments Window automatically displays whenever you load a different patient in Scheduling, if the patient has scheduled appointments or cancelled appointments.

  • N(o) - Do not automatically display the Patient Appointments Window.

Suppress Appointment Detail Window when Rescheduling

To specify if you want to automatically display the Reschedule Appointment Window when you drag an appointment to a different Time Slot in the Appointment Book Area, click one of the following options in the drop-down list:

  • Y(es) - Automatically display the Reschedule Appointment Window when you drag an appointment to a different Time Slot.

  • N(o) - Do not automatically display the Reschedule Appointments Window.
    :  For the N(o) option to work properly, the User Profile must have the Operator ID entered.

Schedule Panels Row Height

To change the font size in the Scheduling Window display, enter a font size. (10 - 25)


Mark Appointments that are Forced

Specify if you want the Forced Appointment icon to appear next to any patient whose appointment was scheduled at the Force Appointment Window.  This applies to double-booking and triple-booking appointment Time Slots.

Entry Options:

  • To display the Forced Appointment icon, select the box.

  • To hide the Forced Appointment icon, de-select the box.

Mark Appointments that are Rescheduled

Specify if you want the Override Appointment icon to appear next to any patient whose appointment was scheduled at the Override Appointment Window.  This applies to appointments booked in Time Slots with an Appointment Type that does not normally allow for patient office visits, such as for meetings.

Entry Options:

  • To display the Override Appointment icon, select the box.

  • To hide the Override Appointment icon, de-select the box.

Mark Appointments that are Overridden

Specify if you want the Reschedule Appointment icon to appear next to any patient whose appointment was rescheduled.

Entry Options:

  • To display the Reschedule Appointment icon, select the box.

  • To hide the Reschedule Appointment icon, de-select the box.

Tip:  For more information, see the Reschedule Appointment Window.

Suppress View of Loc'ns

Specify if you want to display Location Names in the Appointment Book Time Slots.

Entry Options:

  • To suppress (hide) the Location Names, select the box.

  • To display the Location Names, de-select the box.

Suppress View of *All* Types

Specify if you want to display *ALL* in the Appointment Book Time Slots when all Appointment Types are allowed.

Entry Options:

  • To suppress (hide) *ALL*, select the box.
    :  If you choose not to display * ALL * when a Time Slot accepts all Appointment Types, the Appointment Book may appear less cluttered.

  • To display *ALL*, de-select the box.

Suppress View of Durations

Specify if you want to display the Time Slot Duration in the Appointment Book.

Entry Options:

  • To suppress (hide) the Duration, select the box.
    :  By displaying blank for the Time Slot Duration, the Appointment Book may appear less cluttered.

  • To display the Duration, de-select the box.

Alert if Appointment falls outside of primary Insurance Eff/Term Date

Specify if you want to see a warning when scheduling a patient appointment on a date that falls outside the range defined by the primary insurance's effective and termination dates.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es) - Display a warning.

  • N(o) - Do not display a warning.

Alert if Appointment falls outside of Referral Auth Treatment Dates

Specify if you want to see a warning when scheduling a patient appointment for a date that falls outside the range defined by the referral authorization's Treatment Start Date and Treatment End Date.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es) - Display a warning.

  • N(o) - Do not display a warning.

Month Calendar Auto Popup on Hover on Mouse Hover-Over in Parameters

Specify if you want the Scheduling - Calendar Pop-Up to display when you hover over the days of the week bar in the Scheduling Parameters Panel.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es) - Display the calendar when you hover.

  • N(o) - Do not display the calendar when you hover.
    :  You can still manually display the calendar by clicking the Calendar icon.

Show Provider Daily Header Text

Specify if you want the provider's column header in the Appointment Book to display a line with the icon for the Provider Status and a note, if applicable.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es) - Display the column header line.

  • N(o) - Do not display the column header line.

Keep Provider and Location Settings When Switching from PE

Specify if you want to reload the default provider and location parameters when switching between INSight components, such as from Scheduling to Patient Entry and back to Scheduling again.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es) - Keep the settings as they appeared the last time you were in Scheduling.  Do not load the default values.
    :  This setting prevents your Appointment Book view from changing if you briefly leave Scheduling to check information about a patient.

  • N(o) - Reload your default settings when you re-enter Scheduling.

Print Report on Schedule Amend?

Set the default value for the Print Amend Report option at the Scheduling - Amend Layout Appointment Type and Location window.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es) - The default value is Y(es) for printing the report.

  • N(o) - The default value s N(o) for printing the report.

Tip:  You can override the default value.

Update Schedule Parameters on Reschedule?

Specify if you want to update the parameters in the Scheduling Parameters Panel according to the Reschedule.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es) - Update the parameters.

  • N(o) - Do not update the parameters.

To save the parameters and close the Preferences window, click OK or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + o]


To avoid losing data, you must save the changed parameters by clicking OK or Apply.

To cancel the changes to the parameters, click Cancel.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]

To update the parameters and leave the Preferences window open, click Apply.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + a]

Other Preferences