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Patient Entry - Identification Codes Area

Use the Identification Codes Area to view and maintain the patient's date of birth, martial status and gender.  The table following the window example describes the Identification Codes Area for the Patient Entry - Demographics Window.


To display the Identification Codes Area, open the Demographics Window.

Tip:  For details about opening windows, refer to the Patient Reference Panel.


Identification Codes Area Example:


Patient Entry - Identification Codes Area Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for that field.

Martial Status

Enter the patient's Martial Status Code. (M, S, D, W)


Enter the patient's Date of Birth. (mmddyyyy)


Displays the patient's age based on the date of birth entered.

Tip:  Ages less than 2 years, display in months.

Social Security #

Displays the patient's Social Security Number.


To fill in the patient's Sex Code, click a choice from the drop-down list.


Click one of the following patient status codes in the drop-down list.

  • Default (no status defined)

  • A - Active

  • I - Inactive

  • D - Deceased

Other Patient Entry