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Patient Entry - Guarantor Window

Use the Guarantor Window to verify and edit guarantor demographic and insurance information.  The table following the window example describes the Guarantor Window of Patient Entry.

Tip:  This window is a convenient tool for maintaining information about a guarantor.  You can also maintain the guarantor's information using Patient Entry or the Patient Wizard.


To display the Guarantor Window:

  1. Open the Demographics Window.
    :  For details about opening windows, refer to the Patient Reference Panel.

  2. In the Guarantor Area, click the Guarantor Drill Down Icon .

     The Guarantor Drill Down Icon only appears if you enter an Account Number for a guarantor different from the current patient account number.

Guarantor Window Example:


Patient Entry - Guarantor Field Details by Area

Name & Address Area

View and maintain the guarantor's name, address, and phone number.

Remarks Area

View and maintain remarks about the status of the guarantor's account.

Employer Area

View and maintain the guarantor's employer information, if applicable.

Identification Codes Area

View and maintain the guarantor's martial status, date of birth, social security number and other identifications.

Guarantor Area

View and maintain patient guarantor information.

To view and maintain detailed information about conversations your practice has with the guarantor pertaining to the status of their account, click Notes.

Tip:  If set by the User Preference, the Notes button appears dimmed if no notes exist.

Insurance Inquiry

Displays insurances codes currently assigned to the guarantor and the associated insurance names for your reference.

Tip:  Guarantor insurance information is assigned at the Patient Entry - Insurance Window.


Displays the image associated with Patient Entry - Insurance Policy Holder Area for the guarantor.  You cannot maintain the image at this window.

Tip:  For more information about images, see the Images Menu .

Other Patient Entry