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Patient Entry - Patient Additional Information Window

Use the Patient Additional Information Window to maintain information such as the password, organ donor option, and release information.  The table following the window example describes the Patient Additional Information Window for Patient Entry.


To display the Patient Additional Information Window:

  1. Open the Demographics Window.
    :  For details about opening windows, refer to the Patient Reference Panel.

  2. Click the Additional Information icon .


Patient Additional Information Window Example:


Patient Entry - Patient Additional Information Window Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Last Name

Displays the patient's last name.  (up to 20 characters)

First Name

Displays the patient's first name and middle initial.  (up to 18 characters)

Account Access Password

If you want to restrict access to the patient's information, enter a password.  When the patient's information is accessed, a prompt for the password appears.  (up to 45 characters)

Leave blank for no password.

Tip:  If you enter a password in this field, you will be prompted to re-enter the password again for confirmation.

Don't Warn on Duplicate Charges?

Select one of the following options to indicate if Charge Entry should warn you about duplicate procedures for the same date.  (Y/N)

  • (N)o - Warn of duplicates

  • (Y)es - Do not warn of duplicates

Don't Accumulate Scheduled Time?

Select one of the following options to indicate if Scheduling should display the percentage of time booked.  (Y/N)

  • (N)o - Accumulate Scheduled Time.
    Tip:  Use this setting for normal patient accounts.

  • (Y)es - Do not Accumulate Scheduled Time.
    Tip:  Use this setting for dummy accounts setup to schedule impromptu meetings.


Living Will

Select one of the following options to specify if the patient has a living will.  (Y/N)

  • (Y)es - The patient has a living will or similar document.

  • (N)o - The patient does not have a living will.

Organ Donor

Select one of the following options to specify if the patient is an organ donor.  (Y/N)

  • (Y)es - The patient is an organ donor.

  • (N)o - The patient is not an organ donor.

Date of Death

If the patient is deceased, enter the date of death.  (MM/DD/YYYY)

Employment Status

Select one of the following options to indicate the patient's employment status.

  • FT - Full Time

  • PT - Part Time

  • RT - Retired

  • NE - Not Employed

  • blank

Student Status

Select one of the following options to indicate if the patient is a student.

  • F - Full Time

  • P - Part Time

  • N - Not a Student

  • blank

Release of Info

Select one of the following options to indicate the patient's authorization for releasing information.

  • Y - Yes

  • N - No

  • O - On File

  • A - Appropriate Release

  • I - Informed Consent

  • M - Limited or Restricted Release



Select one of the following options to indicate the patient's consent for treatment.

  • Y - Yes

  • N - No

  • R - Treatment Auth Revoked

  • blank

Date of Consent

Enter the date that the patient consented or refused treatment.  (MM/DD/YYYY)

Signature Source

Select one of the following options to indicate the source of the patient's signature.

  • C - Signed HCFA-1500 Claim Form on File

  • B - Auth HCFA-1500 Block 12 & 13

  • S - Auth HCFA-1500 Block 12

  • M - Auth HCFA-1500 Block 13

  • P - Provider Signature

Assign. of Benefits

Enter one of the following options to indicate the patient's instructions for assigning benefits.

  • Y - Yes

  • N - No

  • B - A/A on Lab Only

  • P - Patient Refuses to Assign Benefits

To complete your entries, close this window and return to the main Patient Entry Window, click .

Other Patient Entry