General Ledger Runbook
The checklists in this topic are guides that can help you run your General Ledger programs in the correct sequence and at the correct time. Simply print the appropriate section of this topic, and check off each program when it is complete.
Even if you have closed a period, you can reopen it at any time. Then you can create new transactions and close the period again. The General Ledger will not duplicate transactions when updating the balances.
NDS strongly recommends following a schedule for performing normal Backups of your data. The schedule should include daily, monthly, quarterly and annual backups. In addition, run a full system backup quarterly or annually. Be sure to use enough tapes in the rotation so that they are not overwritten too quickly. The backups listed in the Year-End Checklist are in addition to your regular schedule.
To see the...
Daily/Weekly Checklist, click More.
General Ledger Daily/Weekly Checklist (optional) Tip: You can perform the Daily/Weekly checklist every day, once a week, at your leisure, or not at all. The timing depends on your facility's practices. It is not required for closing a Period. | ||
Date |
________________________________ | |
For G/L Period: |
________________________________ | |
Section A: Ongoing Tasks / Preparation Tip: Perform these tasks as required. | ||
Seq. |
Programs |
A-1. |
Enter Manual Transactions (including reversals). |
A-2. |
A-3. |
Print the Recurring-Standard Entries Listing (for recurring and standard journal entry templates). Tip: Required only if maintenance is performed. |
A-4. |
Perform Step-Down Allocations Maintenance. |
A-5. |
Post the interfacing modules to the General Ledger (A/R, A/P, Payroll, etc.). |
Section B: Journal Import Procedure Tip: This sequence of steps applies only if you import journal entries via text files from an external source. | ||
Seq. |
Programs |
B-1. |
Run the Journal Import. |
B-2. |
Confirm that there were no exceptions created by the Journal Import. |
B-3. |
Print the General Journal Import Report and review the data. |
B-4. |
Run the Journal Import Post. |
Section C: Daily Close Tip: Performing these tasks every day is optional. Follow the procedure for your facility. | ||
Seq. |
Programs |
C-1. |
Print the General Journal Exception Report. |
C-2. |
Make corrections indicated by the Exception Report, if applicable. |
C-3. |
Print the General Journal Listing (for unposted transactions). Tip: Review the report and make sure journal entries are in balance. Archive the report. |
C-4. |
Post Journal Entries (to update the Period Balances).
Period: _______________
Journal Codes: _______________ |
C-5. |
Review Post report for errors. Confirm that the Post amounts match the General Journal Listing amounts. |
C-6. |
Print the General Journal Report. Tip: Retain this report for audit purposes. |
Period-End/Quarterly Checklist, click More.
General Ledger Period-End Checklist | ||
Date |
| |
For G/L Period: |
________________________________ | |
Seq. |
Programs |
1. |
Close and post interfacing modules to the General Ledger (A/P, A/R, Cash Receipts, Payroll, etc.). |
2. |
Perform any Daily Work required. Tip: Refer to the Ongoing Tasks in the Daily Checklist. |
3. |
Create Standard Entries, if applicable.
Run Code: _______________ |
4. |
Create Recurring Entries, if applicable.
Run Code: _______________ |
5. |
Create Step-Down Allocations, if applicable. |
6. |
Print the General Journal Exception Report. |
7. |
Make corrections indicated by the Exception Report, if applicable. |
8. |
Print the General Journal Listing (for unposted transactions to compare to post report later).
Total Debits: ______________ Total Credits: ______________
Tip: Review the report and make sure journal entries are in balance. Archive the report. |
9. |
Post Journal Entries (to update the Period Balances).
Period: _______________ Journal Codes: _______________
Total Debits: ______________ Total Credits: ______________
Tip: Compare the balances to the journal listing. |
10. |
Review the Post report for errors. Confirm that the posted totals match the General Journal Listing unposted totals. |
11. |
Print the General Journal Report. Tip: Retain this report for audit purposes. |
12. |
Print the Single Period Activity Report. |
13. |
Print the Trial Balance Report. |
14. |
Prove Control Account Balances from modules such as A/R, A/P, and Cash Receipts. Tip: If changes to Control Accounts are required, it is best to make them through the appropriate software module and then post. Be sure to post again to the General Ledger. |
15. |
Print the monthly Management Reports, typically including the following:
Tip: If you run any quarterly reports, print them during this step. |
16. |
To close the period, which prevents further journal entries, set the Period Open Option in Period Descriptions Maintenance to N(o). Tip: This step is optional. |
Period-Begin Checklist, click More.
General Ledger Period-Begin Checklist (optional) | ||
Date |
________________________________ | |
For G/L Period: |
________________________________ | |
Seq. |
Programs |
1. |
Create Reversing Entries, if applicable. |
Year-End Checklist, click More.
General Ledger Year-End Checklist | |||
For Fiscal Year: |
Closing Year: ___________ New Opening Year: ___________ | ||
Section A. - Prepare the New Year for Data Notes: General Ledger gives you the flexibility to delay the year-end close as long as necessary.
Before you can close out the Fiscal Year, you probably will need to start entering transactions for the new year, because some interfacing applications, such as payroll, need to be posted immediately. The Initialize Journal Period routine prepares the specified Period for data entry by moving the journal entry transactions into history without updating the Period Balances. You can initialize Period 1, Periods 1 and 2, or as many Periods as needed. If the close takes longer than anticipated, you can initialize more periods later.
There are two initialize programs. The Year-End routine, which is run during Section B of this checklist, can initialize a string of Periods. The Single Period routine initializes only one period at a time. NDS recommends the Single Period routine in Section A of the checklist.
Run the following routines for the Period(s) that you plan to initialize. | |||
Seq. |
Date |
Programs |
A-1. |
Run a Normal Backup:
Tip: This does not replace an annual system backup, that should be part of your regular backup procedures. |
A-2. |
To open the period, which allows you to run the following reports and processes, set the Period Open Option in Period Descriptions Maintenance to Y(es).
Periods: ______________ (Maintain the Periods that will be initialized.) |
A-3. |
Print the General Journal Exception Report.
Periods: ______________ (Enter the Period that will be initialized.)
Tip: Make any necessary corrections before running the post. |
A-4. |
Print the General Journal Listing (for all unposted journal entry transactions to confirm all transactions have been posted).
Periods: ______________ (Enter the Period that will be initialized.) |
A-5. |
Post Journal Entries for the Period(s) you want to initialize.
Periods: ______________ (Enter the Period that will be initialized.) Tips:
A-6. |
Print the General Journal Report for the archive.
Periods: ______________ (Enter the Period that will be initialized.) |
A-7. |
Initialize Journal Period - Single Period. Note: NDS strongly suggests that you select the option for Save Historical Data. Write in the Initialized Periods: ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ |
A-8. |
To prepare the Period for transactions, use Period Descriptions Maintenance to update the Period Closing Date with the new Year for the initialized Periods.
Periods: ______________ (Maintain the Periods that were initialized)
New Closing Dates: ________________________________________ |
A-9. |
You can now start posting journal entries to the new Fiscal Year. |
Section B - Process the Year-End for the Closing Fiscal Year Tip: When you and your accountant are ready to close the year, perform the following tasks. | |||
Seq. |
Date |
Programs |
B-1. |
Complete Year-End processing in all interfacing modules such as A/P and Payroll. Tip: You do not have to wait for adjusting entries from the accountant, because G/L utilizes a pre-adjustment year-end method. |
B-2. |
Run a Normal Backup:
Tip: This does not replace an annual system backup, that should be part of your regular backup procedures. |
B-3. |
Confirm that all Periods have been closed. Tip: See the Period-End checklist. |
B-4. |
Create Reversing Entries, if applicable.
Reversing Period: _______________ (usually 12)
Created Entries for Period: _______________ (usually 1)
B-5. |
Save Historical Data to copy the closing year's balances into history. Historical Year: _______________ (Enter the closing year.)
B-6. |
If your facility uses Clear To Accounts, verify that each revenue and expense account has the correct Clear To Account identified. Tip: Print the Chart of Accounts Report with the Print Clear To Account option selected, and sort the report by Type/Account. |
B-7. |
Clear and Close Accounts which performs the following functions:
Period: _______________
Tip: You can re-run this routine as many times as necessary before running the Year-End Post Journal Entries routine. |
B-8. |
Print the Year-End Journal Listing.
Period: _______________ (unposted entries only) (same as Clear & Close, usually 14)
Note: Verify the journal. If corrections are required to the account balances:
B-9. |
Run the Year-End Post Journal Entries (for Closing).
Period: _______________
Journal Codes: _______________ (usually ALL) Tip: Compare the totals to the journal listing. |
B-10. |
Print the Management Reports (financial statements). |
B-11. |
Update Master Accounts (to roll the calculated Ending Balances to Beginning Balances). |
B-12. |
Perform Period Descriptions Maintenance.
B-13. |
Initialize Journal Periods - Year-End starting with the first period not initialized in Section A. For example, if you already initialized Periods 1 and 2, then start with Period 3. Tip: Period 14, the closing Period, is initialized when you run this routine.
Starting Period: _______________
B-14. |
Perform Fiscal Year Table Maintenance. Add the new Fiscal Year if it does not already exist.
Fiscal Year: _______________
Section C - Adjustments (optional) Tip: You can run adjustments for a closed year anytime during the following year. The adjustments are posted to the closed year, the ending balances (always a calculated value) are updated, and the beginning balances for the current year are brought up to date. | |||
Seq. |
Date |
Programs |
C-1. |
Obtain the accountant's closing entries. |
C-2. |
Perform Year-End Adjusting Entries Maintenance.
Tip: Adjustments always are entered into Period 14 of the current year. |
C-3. |
Print the Year-End Journal Listing (for Adjustments). Note: Verify that the adjustments are correct. If not, make corrections using Year-End Adjusting Entries Maintenance and run this report again.
Period: _______________ (unposted entries only) (Period 14 of the current year) |
C-4. |
Run a Normal Backup:
Tip: This does not replace an annual system backup, that should be part of your regular backup procedures. |
C-5. |
Post Adjusting Entries, which performs the following functions:
Period: _______________ (Period 14 of current year)
Year: _______________ (Closed year)
Tip: Compare the totals to the journal listing. |
Section D - Synchronize Data Base Tip: This section applies only to municipalities using the Fund Accounting module. | |||
Seq. |
Date |
Programs |
D-1. |
Reset Account Masters. |